Hey guys,
I'm gonna start up a new tank. This time i'm going to plan it out and take my time. Right now i'm in the process of collecting all my gear. I think i'm still maybe 1-2 months away from setting this bad boy up. Gotta take my time and let my wallet recover. This is just a journal, so people can learn from my mistakes and or ask questions.

Elos System 70 with stand
75cmx57cmx50cm (30"x23"x20") 55 gallons

Maxspect G2.1 160w
Zero Edge Light Stand

Vortech MP40w + MP10
Mag3 return (probably upgrade to something later on)
Apex Controller
Bubble Magus Nac 7
BRS Reactor (gfo/carbon)
Nextreef Reactor (biopellets)

BRS 3 Part
BRS GFO, ROX .8 Carbon
Vertex Pro Biopellets
Stuff I need to get
Bubble Magus Doser ( delayed )
Obligatory artsy fartsy tank pictures


Everything was growing pretty good. Everything but maybe 1-2 low light coral. The maxspect was prob too strong. I had T5 prior to the maxspect. If anyone was wondering....I had 2 clams in the plastic container. Reason why I put them in there was because I didn't want them to plant their foot into the glass. Didn't want to risk hurting them If I had to move them or take them out later.
The setup
I had planned to journal this better but things got busy and i got lazy. So this is all I got.

I cut out some eggcrate to cover the bottom. I planned on having maybe a goby/shrimp combo and since the shrimp likes to make burrows. I didn't want to have a cave in, and have 50lbs of live rock hitting the bottom of the tank.

Next I tried to wire up my sump. Looks a bit messier now, I might get a custom sump soon. I've been looking at the stuff over at lifereef. But that man wants mucho money for a sump. Pretty stuff though.

I bought a separate stand for my electronics. I plan to house my ato, doser, controller/outlets. Vika Alex from ikea if anyones interested. It could double for a decent aquarium stand.
Then I got bored and wondered what the maxspect looked like under the covers.

Fast Forward
I was cycling the tank, but then disaster struck. Temp tank was going down fast. Anemone was on its death bed. All the corals looked pretty bad. So I made the call to stick everything in the new tank. I had really good live rock in there from 2-3 other systems. 2 of them were systems with a heavy bio-load. I bought it from other reefers off marsh. Great rock with primo coraline growth. No pest algae at all. I put about 25-30 lbs worth of live rock in there. Then I bought 25 lbs worth of dry rock. I was playing rock legos for a while but didn't like how cluttered it started to look. I then took out most of the dry rock and was left with this. 25 lbs live rock + 15 lbs dry rock, and about 20 lbs rock in my sump.

Still got a bit of tidying up to do.

But everything looks pretty decent. I'm running the carbon/gfo outside the sump area for now. Until I find space for it down there. I put the dying anemone in an overflow box and directing the output from the carbon/gfo reactor to it. So far its looking better. Feeding it little chucks of silversides until it regains it strength. This ******* anemone ate my ORA yellow assessor. I loved that fish. On the fence if I should keep this anemone. I had a few more pictures, but it seems the tank is pretty reflective and I chill at the house in my boxers. So i'll spare you guys the pictures with reflections of me in my boxers.
I'm gonna start up a new tank. This time i'm going to plan it out and take my time. Right now i'm in the process of collecting all my gear. I think i'm still maybe 1-2 months away from setting this bad boy up. Gotta take my time and let my wallet recover. This is just a journal, so people can learn from my mistakes and or ask questions.

Elos System 70 with stand
75cmx57cmx50cm (30"x23"x20") 55 gallons

Maxspect G2.1 160w
Zero Edge Light Stand

Vortech MP40w + MP10
Mag3 return (probably upgrade to something later on)
Apex Controller
Bubble Magus Nac 7
BRS Reactor (gfo/carbon)
Nextreef Reactor (biopellets)

BRS 3 Part
BRS GFO, ROX .8 Carbon
Vertex Pro Biopellets
Stuff I need to get
Bubble Magus Doser ( delayed )
Obligatory artsy fartsy tank pictures


Everything was growing pretty good. Everything but maybe 1-2 low light coral. The maxspect was prob too strong. I had T5 prior to the maxspect. If anyone was wondering....I had 2 clams in the plastic container. Reason why I put them in there was because I didn't want them to plant their foot into the glass. Didn't want to risk hurting them If I had to move them or take them out later.
The setup
I had planned to journal this better but things got busy and i got lazy. So this is all I got.

I cut out some eggcrate to cover the bottom. I planned on having maybe a goby/shrimp combo and since the shrimp likes to make burrows. I didn't want to have a cave in, and have 50lbs of live rock hitting the bottom of the tank.

Next I tried to wire up my sump. Looks a bit messier now, I might get a custom sump soon. I've been looking at the stuff over at lifereef. But that man wants mucho money for a sump. Pretty stuff though.

I bought a separate stand for my electronics. I plan to house my ato, doser, controller/outlets. Vika Alex from ikea if anyones interested. It could double for a decent aquarium stand.
Then I got bored and wondered what the maxspect looked like under the covers.

Fast Forward
I was cycling the tank, but then disaster struck. Temp tank was going down fast. Anemone was on its death bed. All the corals looked pretty bad. So I made the call to stick everything in the new tank. I had really good live rock in there from 2-3 other systems. 2 of them were systems with a heavy bio-load. I bought it from other reefers off marsh. Great rock with primo coraline growth. No pest algae at all. I put about 25-30 lbs worth of live rock in there. Then I bought 25 lbs worth of dry rock. I was playing rock legos for a while but didn't like how cluttered it started to look. I then took out most of the dry rock and was left with this. 25 lbs live rock + 15 lbs dry rock, and about 20 lbs rock in my sump.

Still got a bit of tidying up to do.

But everything looks pretty decent. I'm running the carbon/gfo outside the sump area for now. Until I find space for it down there. I put the dying anemone in an overflow box and directing the output from the carbon/gfo reactor to it. So far its looking better. Feeding it little chucks of silversides until it regains it strength. This ******* anemone ate my ORA yellow assessor. I loved that fish. On the fence if I should keep this anemone. I had a few more pictures, but it seems the tank is pretty reflective and I chill at the house in my boxers. So i'll spare you guys the pictures with reflections of me in my boxers.
