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My New 55g Setup!

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  • lol...swalesi is like around 100 bucks right??
    thats much better lol...
    but still if they dont show up...
    i got a randalls goby that dont show up all day...
    and i am kinda pissed and its only 30 bucks lol..


    • my randall is out most the day. He jacked my yellow watchman's burrow. My yellow watchman then went suicidal and almost got ate up by the vortech. So i threw him in a little 10g I have.

      They said swalesi are out in the open if you have other timid/non aggressive fish. So stuff like my assessor and mandarin would fit in. I think i can pick up a swalesi or helfrichi for 75 bucks. I want a twin spot wrasse. AWESOME looking fish. I saw it at cp.... its only 2 inches but the internet says you need a 180g to keep it....


      • Just installed the skimmer since I woke up early today. I used to think the nac7 looked big. Luckly the new skimmer fits into my tank pretty easy. Easier to move around than the nac7.

        But don't get me wrong, the nac7 worked like a champ. This is only a few days. I cleaned it on sat.... so 3-4 days?

        Who wants coffee? Taste like poop!


        • lol...that things has a humpback grouper looking head...


          • looks a lot better in person. The white is more pearlish. Too bad they are fairly aggressive. Its not bad... 30-35 bucks.


            • You think I can fit that BM7 in my sump?
              I ate my fish that died.


              • maybe, if you take out your fuge area.


                • man, I want that BM7!
                  I ate my fish that died.


                  • Get that big a$$ Tunze on Marsh


                    • It got to fit foo.
                      I ate my fish that died.


                      • my hose for my ATO fell outta its holder and proceded to flood my floor. But it gave me a chance to redo all my wires and take out stuff I didn't need anymore. My tank was getting really messy with cables everywhere.

                        I had to take out everything to make sure it was ok.

                        After a few hours I now have a nice and neat tank.
                        I even hung up my lights. Who needs a security deposit anyways.


                        • lol, I don't think they will charge you up over two sheet rock nails.

                          Does look cleaner without the light tree.
                          I ate my fish that died.


                          • +1
                            Resident fish bum
                            330G FOWLR
                            34G Reef
                            330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                            28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                            Treasurer, GHAC


                            • Just got a helfrechi firefish and white cap goby. No pics yet.

                              They are both still skittish from the car ride home I guess. I hope they don't jump. Expensive piece of fish jerky if it does. My damn clowns are mean as heck. Had to evict mr tanaka cus hey whooped his butt but they whooping on the helfrechi now.

                              Helfrechi firefish > 2 assclown fish


                              • I would gladly take that firefish off your hands good Sir.

                                Now, lets see some macro fish shots!
                                I ate my fish that died.

