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55 gallon salt

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  • #16
    Yea I'm at about 40x in my 29g, keeping softies and lps now. Kinda nervous about making the jump to sps and dosing. 25x was just a ballpark number I've seen thrown around a lot...
    20g mixed reef


    • #17
      SPS arent really that bad. Got them in my nano and I dont run a skimmer. Pay the extra and go with ORA or another aquacultured SPS and you will have better luck keeping them alive.
      Resident fish bum
      330G FOWLR
      34G Reef
      330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
      28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
      Treasurer, GHAC


      • #18
        Tip number 1: get the biggest skimmer you can fit into your sump.


        Just for kicks.
        I ate my fish that died.


        • #19
          Thanks for all the info guys, this has really helped alot. My buddy Is getting his internet up and running hopefully today and then he will move into this forum and start asking some more questions im sure.

          We went and picked up a stand off of craigslist this weekend. It is very nice and very tall! and we picked up a 30 gallon from tim for the sump(thanks again). Next I think he is going to purchase a protein skimmer or lights. We also went and looked around fish-r-us at coral and rock and what not. they still have that 700 gallon sitting there. Somebody should pick this thing up, that is if they can talk the owner down from 4200!!!!!!
          46 gallon bow front
          Grow Out Cichlid tank

          240 gallon long
          Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)

