I have had my aquarium with internal overflow box for about 8 weeks. In this time I have had 3 occurences of fish jumping into the overflow drain box. I had a saddle puffer do it twice and a lawnmower blenny once. This is a 100G aquarium with wet/dry sump below. The water level in the aquarium is slightly below the plastic drain grate at the top of the overflow box.
Anyway, I was considering putting something over the top of the drain box at an angle so a fish would fall back in the aquarium. I figure I'm not the only one this has every happened to so there must be some good ideas out there. thank you
Anyway, I was considering putting something over the top of the drain box at an angle so a fish would fall back in the aquarium. I figure I'm not the only one this has every happened to so there must be some good ideas out there. thank you