I have wanted a saltwater aquarium for years, have read, have been on forums like this and now that I am in a place that i won't be leaving for a long time I am going to pull the trigger. I would like more experienced saltwater afficianados to tell me where i am going to go wrong and to answer some questions for me.
First my goal. I have found a 72 gallon bowfront tank with overflow that i want to use. I intend for this to end up a reef aquarium (mostly soft coral for this first tank) with a few fish and the requisite reef inverts. There will end up being a pair of clown fish in the tank as my fiance insists and I am torn between additional fish (I like the tangs and Foxface) but would love a mandarin after the tank has been established for a long time.
My current plan (pending advice gleaned in this thread)
-72 gallon bow front with overflow
-20 gallon refugium in the stand
-DIY LED lights over main tank and refugium
-50lbs of dry base rock
-20-30lbs of live rock
-1" argonite in the main tank
-2" of sand in the refugium
I want to set this all up and allow the cycle to happen, then:
-add chaeto algae to refugium
-add reef friendly inverts to main tank
-add a pair of clowns to main tank
Let this be for a while
-begin slowly adding soft corals and other fish
-Enjoy the beauty
Now for my questions
-Is there a relatively inexpensive yet sufficiently effective RO/DI filter out there?
-is a skimmer necessary from the beginning of the set up?
-If not at what point should i add it?
-If i am going to add the skimmer later how much space should i leave before the first baffle to accomodate a skimmer later
-Any suggestions for return pumps from the refugium
-Knowing i want to keep a pair of clowns (probably ocellaris since that is the fiances favorite) what other fish would be compatiable in this size tank?
-Where is a good place to get live rock locally?
I am sure that there will be many many more questions forthcoming but any help before i get started would be appreciated.
First my goal. I have found a 72 gallon bowfront tank with overflow that i want to use. I intend for this to end up a reef aquarium (mostly soft coral for this first tank) with a few fish and the requisite reef inverts. There will end up being a pair of clown fish in the tank as my fiance insists and I am torn between additional fish (I like the tangs and Foxface) but would love a mandarin after the tank has been established for a long time.
My current plan (pending advice gleaned in this thread)
-72 gallon bow front with overflow
-20 gallon refugium in the stand
-DIY LED lights over main tank and refugium
-50lbs of dry base rock
-20-30lbs of live rock
-1" argonite in the main tank
-2" of sand in the refugium
I want to set this all up and allow the cycle to happen, then:
-add chaeto algae to refugium
-add reef friendly inverts to main tank
-add a pair of clowns to main tank
Let this be for a while
-begin slowly adding soft corals and other fish
-Enjoy the beauty
Now for my questions
-Is there a relatively inexpensive yet sufficiently effective RO/DI filter out there?
-is a skimmer necessary from the beginning of the set up?
-If not at what point should i add it?
-If i am going to add the skimmer later how much space should i leave before the first baffle to accomodate a skimmer later
-Any suggestions for return pumps from the refugium
-Knowing i want to keep a pair of clowns (probably ocellaris since that is the fiances favorite) what other fish would be compatiable in this size tank?
-Where is a good place to get live rock locally?
I am sure that there will be many many more questions forthcoming but any help before i get started would be appreciated.