Thanks, I am going to set up a 5 gal temporary quarantine tank. THe bad thing is I just bought him 2 days ago from fish ranch and he is already sick....
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Clown V.S Chrmois
yea i think ur tank is way too small to house both. I agree about switching up the territories. Perhaps provide more caves for protection that the clown can use. Set up the quarantine tank and treat as soon as possible. the disease is more likely to be cured if caught very early on in its cycle.
Yup! Out of my 7+ years in the SW hobby and several ick plagues....I have only had one fish survive it. I caught the signs very early on with this fish when only a few tiny "ick spots" were on it. I used an alternative method to the typical copper treatment which isnt reef safe . I raised the temperature of the tank to 82 degrees for several days. Supposedly (its kindve controversial) but it may/may not speed up the life cycle of the cryptocaryon (the scientific name of the protozoan). I have also heard of people using a hyposalinity treatment (lowering the salinity of the tank aka amount of salt per gallons) to rid the fish of the disease. So are you ten?
The fish just got ick a few days ago and I might be able to save him. I am only 12 but has been in the aquarium hobby since I was 6.10g Community Planted Aquarium
10g-CRS Planted Aquarium
55g Saltwater Aquarium-
20gH-Angelfish Planted Aquarium
20gL-Leopard Gecko
A 13 Year Old Teen Who Loves his animals!!
YOUTUBE: Michael15551