So these past couple weeks, my live rock has been turning white as if the Coralline algae is dying. At first I was thinking it's maybe low calcium/magnesium since it's been 3 weeks since my last water change and the sps corals used up what was in the tank. Also, my skimmer has nothing to skim. My corals are looking great, fish happy... no algae on my rocks anymore (just have to scrape my glass every couple days.) Now, what's making me think it's not low nutrients is that my sump is almost a solid purple, so the coralline is definitely growing down in there.
Think my live rock is just adjusting to my light? I changed bulbs, and adjusted lighting schedule since my lights were at a minimum the last few months because of algae issues. I don't have calcium/magnesium test kits yet, but it's probably something I should be picking up soon... Any thoughts?
Think my live rock is just adjusting to my light? I changed bulbs, and adjusted lighting schedule since my lights were at a minimum the last few months because of algae issues. I don't have calcium/magnesium test kits yet, but it's probably something I should be picking up soon... Any thoughts?