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  • #16
    I have a spare 20gal tank would it be big enough for a fuge?


    • #17
      Originally posted by dbc2804 View Post
      Its a sea clone 100 protein skimmer
      That skimmer takes a while to break in. If its still unopened I suggest you return it. Get the AquaC Remora skimmer, IMO the best HOB skimmer


      • #18
        Originally posted by dbc2804 View Post
        I have a spare 20gal tank would it be big enough for a fuge?
        You could turn it into a fuge but then you'd need an overflow. I meant HOB fuge as in what raleigh was saying below. Aqua Clear HOBs are really easy to rig into a refugium and they have a lot of space to stuff live rock, live sand, and macro algae if you wanted. You'd have to have a light on it if you put macro algae. There was a thread I stumbled across on a salty forum where this guy used an LED puck light and rigged it to be waterproof and attached to the bottom-side of the lid. It looks cool and you can keep the lid on to reduce noise.

        Originally posted by raleigh19 View Post
        If you really want to try. I suggest you better go with HOB filter like Aqua Clear and convert it into refugium and have enough live rock and live sand for the biological filtration.


        • #19
          Its been open but i have plenty of time we a just trying to get a good idea of what equip will be needed and start cycling the tank wont even think about buying livestock till then


          • #20
            I already have an over flow tube that i made for another tank that is no longer in use and it would work for this tank i think its 1" pvc
            Last edited by dbc2804; 12-09-2012, 11:39 PM.


            • #21
              Re: seahorses

              Well that's fine then.

              Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.


              • #22
                I do like the idea and simplicity of the aquaclear hob fuge but i dont have one and cant see buying one unless i have to . Looks like im turning the 20gal tank in to a fuge


                • #23
                  i would buy one cause if you turn the 20g into a fuge you will still have to buy a return pump so either way you will be spending some money
                  dont bro me if you dont know me!!!!!


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by barberking12 View Post
                    i would buy one cause if you turn the 20g into a fuge you will still have to buy a return pump so either way you will be spending some money
                    +1 you could get a used AC110 for about $30 when a return pump will cost about $30+ plus you gotta get silicone and some sort of panes to make the fuge.


                    • #25
                      This is true. The skimmer i have i wont be able to plumb to the aquaclear hob as its return not plumbed its more like an overflow.there for i will have the hob fuge and a hob skimmer both hanging on the back of the tank. Im wanting to try to keep a clean appearance as well it will be in our kitchen that was one of the reasons for the initial though of the canister since i could conceal it.


                      • #26
                        Well since it's a hex tank, the appearance won't look as bad having two things hanging off the tank. Just have them on the shorter edges. That or trade in the skimmer for a sleeker one? You could run just the HOB fuge.


                        • #27
                          Ive setup many successful reefs using cannisters. I'm almost positive not many have tried but rather read something about it online. Just saying.


                          • #28
                            You could run the tank without the skimmer, but you need to do a lot of water changes. When I have 10 gallon nano, I changed in total 4 gallons a week. I did 1 gallon change every other day.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by semper View Post
                              Ive setup many successful reefs using cannisters. I'm almost positive not many have tried but rather read something about it online. Just saying.
                              well seahorses is a different story
                              dont bro me if you dont know me!!!!!


                              • #30
                                There is one person on here named Mikeboy he has raised Sea Horses before and had an awesome set up for them you might check with him before you do anything... These guys are very hard to raise and if this is your first time to setup a salt water tank I would suggest that you wait. I have been wanting to raise Sea Horses too but with all the special care and needs I just don't feel that I am up to the task.
                                But if you chose to do so the best of luck to you.

