Hey guys,
I have a 40 gallon (not a breeder) saltwater tank that has been up and running for a little over a month now. I am having some issues with detritus building up pretty heavily on my substrate and I cannot find a way to position my power heads to prevent this. I have 2 power heads that go up to 170 gph (not entirely sure what the ideal amount is) and those don't seem to help. I am in the position now where I could upgrade my power heads as well. Any sort of help will be greatly appreciated.
Also, I have an emerald crab, a few assorted hermits, 4 peppermint shrimp, 4 turbos and 2 sand sifting snails that can't seem to keep up with the detritus.
I have a 40 gallon (not a breeder) saltwater tank that has been up and running for a little over a month now. I am having some issues with detritus building up pretty heavily on my substrate and I cannot find a way to position my power heads to prevent this. I have 2 power heads that go up to 170 gph (not entirely sure what the ideal amount is) and those don't seem to help. I am in the position now where I could upgrade my power heads as well. Any sort of help will be greatly appreciated.
Also, I have an emerald crab, a few assorted hermits, 4 peppermint shrimp, 4 turbos and 2 sand sifting snails that can't seem to keep up with the detritus.