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  • Advice!

    So I went to Petco today and all freshwater and saltwater fish were 50% off and i decided to purchase a clarkii clownfish. I already have a ocellaris clownfish and now I am wondering if putting the clarkii clown in my tank was a good idea. My ocellaris is going absolutely bananas! It wont stop attacking the clarkii. Should i consider selling it off or is this normal?! Help please!
    And Thanks in advance
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  • #2
    Clarkii in my experience have been more aggressive, but your ocellaris sounds to be more dominant. How long have you had the clarkii? how big is your tank?


    • #3
      I am a newbie to the hobby so this is my time ever owning either or and yes the ocellaris is being really mean to the clarkii. Ithas him at the top of the tank next to the hydrometer poor thing looks scared. I have a 90 gallon tank. I dont have much in there besides a damsel, chocolate chip starfish, the ocellaris and now the clarkii
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      • #4
        Clarkii might not be a good idea, however every fish is different. If the situation doesn't improve id probably take a clarkii back and trade him for a different fish. Something active like a wrasse or tang would be nice to look at. What kind of tank do you want?

