So i figured i would start a thread for Protein skimmer information. Its hard to pick out a skimmer without having great information on it. So this is being created for people to post there experience with skimmers they have used and are currently using.
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Protien Skimmer Thread!!!
I been using a cheap no name e-bay knock off vent. skimmer. It did work it just was very touchy and hard to dial in. I would recomend the skimmer as a back up. It wasn't the greatest so i would still recommend weekly water changes with it. I just bought an aqua c remora yesterday. It was recomended by a friend of mine that has had a few different kinds of skimmers over the years. So last night i hooked up the aqua c, and this morning i found a full cup of skimate (little on the wet side) and foam completely covering the top of the collection cup on the outside. I have recenly adjusted the cup which is very easy, and the thing is producing the best tea i have ever seen. Anyways the skimmer i was using had no skim nog in it, while the aqua c was pulling it cosistantly. Im very happy with this skimmer all ready.
Aqua C Remora
1) Uses less gph pumps than other skimmers due to its patented spray tec. Meaning its energy efficient.
2) Its easy to adjust. Uses a band around the collection cup to adjust water level.
3) Its under 300$
4) hangs on back of tank or sump giving you more room.
5) This thing can fit just about anywhere.
6) its made out of tentend plastic so if its on the back of your tank, light wont get in it and grow algae.
1) Its a little hard to clean.
2) It comes with a maxi 1200, or rio, but can be upgraded with better pumps like the mag5 for tanks over 75Gal.
3) Older series did not come with a drain tube, and collection cup can fill up quick in heavy stocked tanks. (but they do sell cups that are extended or have drain)
4) it does make a little bit of noise. (have it in bedroom and it doesent bother me.)75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.
I have the same skimmer but the nano version. It works decent but IMO it's way too loud. Mines produced a light to medium color skim mate.
I just got the new bubble magus nac7 and can't wait to try that out. I put it in my current sump just to test it out and it's barely a whisper.
Just recently my aqua c just stop making skim mate. Maybe it's time to clean the sucker.
I've got a PM redline 110 on my 58g and i love it. it's a complete unit just dropped in my sump plugged it in. It took about five minutes to adjust and it was on. that thing is the greatest it give off almost no micro bubbles it's been working like a champ since i put it in i strongly recommend this skimmerCustom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723
I used a CPR bak-pak on my 55 and my 20 nano. it did a fine job and I was always happy with the results. I did a fishing line mod to the maxi-jets and it helped a little. Recently I bought a reef Octopus (rated for 100gal) for my 38 and JESUS, big difference. took a few days to dial in but once I did that the amount of skimmate it pulled was ridiculous compared to the CPR. don't get me wrong, I never had more than 3ppm of nitrate (on the 55) and usually only trace amounts of nitrate with the CPR, but with the reef octopus, nothing has a chance to breakdown into nitrates. When i get around to setting up my 72 I'm either going bubble mangus,PM, or another reef octopus. it seems like everyone that has been in the hobby for any real length of time always has the best results with these 3 brands. nothing against the rest (other than prism, total CRAP)Softie Reef