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4 x 39w bulbs or 6 x 39w?

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  • 4 x 39w bulbs or 6 x 39w?

    Thinking of buying a new light fixture for my aquarium which is 36" long x 18" deep x 25" tall. Wondering if I could get by with 4 x 39 watt high output 36" t5's or if I had to go 6. Initially, picking up an anemone for Nemo. Then we build from there.

  • #2
    IMO more is better. Usually the price between a 4 bulb system and 6 bulb is not that far off. The extra bulbs will give you more freedom in bulb combinations. What size tank? 55g? How deep and what are you planning on keeping?

    Just a quick comment about the anemone. IMO you should probably hold off on the anemone until your system matures a bit. I made the mistake of buying a "home" for my memo and almost had my anemone croak on me.

    Had to basically nurse the thing back to life. The mouth was enlarged and was on it's way out. Started off with manually feeding him mysis shrimp until he started eating again. Then Had to cut little bits of silversides and manually feed em and hopes it took it. Huge pita. One important lesson I learnt was only bad things happen fast in reefing. Prob best to not rush things.

    I just started reefing myself and found it to be extremely rewarding. Good luck and welcome to the forum.


    • #3
      I'm going to be using a 4x39W on my 36"x18"x16". I asked on another forum the same question and was given the same info as soymilk with extra bulbs you have more options for the color look you like. I was also told that for my tank because of the 16" height that 6 bulbs might be to intense and would bleach some corals. I think you would be ok being that your tank is 25". Keep researching. Take a look at this for recommendations on bulbs combo's


      • #4
        Heres my opinion! Get the bigger light so you wont have to upgrade later. As for the anemone, i wouldn't get one. anemones move around to much for me. If your going to have a reef tank you dont want that thing squatting on top of your prized zoas. Besides if you have a nemo "O. Clownfish" these are the wierdest of the clownfish. Sometimes they wont host an anemone at all. Also theres corals out there like frogspawn, and torch that greatly resemble anemones but with more color, and are much hardier. I have the same kind of clownfish and out of all my corals it decided to host a toadstool leather. Also if your still wanting an anemone, make sure you research what clown fish host what kind of anemones. Having the right anemone may increase your chances of having your clown host.
        75gal reef aka the $$$$ pit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by cichlidtx View Post
          I was also told that for my tank because of the 16" height that 6 bulbs might be to intense and would bleach some corals. I think you would be ok being that your tank is 25".
          I'd get the 6 bulbs because you can even supplement with more blue/true actinic bulbs =)

