So I've been working on this a month and just now coming around to posting progress reports. I'm the recent recipient of close to new 75gal tank in need of just having the overflow re caulked into place (don't worry, the Windex was not used on the tank):
I couldn't go with store bought stand as I cannot stomach buying something I can build better and less expensive. I'm modeling my stand build off my buddy's stand he built:
We start off with a welded 1-1/2" steel tube stand:
Next we cut, glue, and cut again the side panels, to be epoxy attached. We also frame the front panels with pocket screws. All cherry wood:
After sanding and polyurethane, we test fit the front panels. Bottom panel is a drawer frame, epoxy attached, the top is attached by magnets for easy removal and service. Notice the refugium window and side openings for custom inserts. The top opening will be a blank panel that opens for quick service:
After some adjustment, we sand and polyurethane some more, x5:
Now we return the fronts to their final resting places and build the drawer with dividers and self closing slides:
Tonight, we attached the top blank panel to the front with tilt hinges for quick service:
Tomorrow we will be mounting the refugium rack and the pull hardware for homecoming to my house for the tank setup, cycle, and transfer from my 55gal. Stay tuned for more to come!
I couldn't go with store bought stand as I cannot stomach buying something I can build better and less expensive. I'm modeling my stand build off my buddy's stand he built:
We start off with a welded 1-1/2" steel tube stand:
Next we cut, glue, and cut again the side panels, to be epoxy attached. We also frame the front panels with pocket screws. All cherry wood:
After sanding and polyurethane, we test fit the front panels. Bottom panel is a drawer frame, epoxy attached, the top is attached by magnets for easy removal and service. Notice the refugium window and side openings for custom inserts. The top opening will be a blank panel that opens for quick service:
After some adjustment, we sand and polyurethane some more, x5:
Now we return the fronts to their final resting places and build the drawer with dividers and self closing slides:
Tonight, we attached the top blank panel to the front with tilt hinges for quick service:
Tomorrow we will be mounting the refugium rack and the pull hardware for homecoming to my house for the tank setup, cycle, and transfer from my 55gal. Stay tuned for more to come!