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Cancer Patient Needs Aquarium (Spring/The Woodlands)

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  • #46
    What kind of fish are you all putting in? Would they benefit from some cholla?


    • #47
      Originally posted by Yarra View Post
      THANK YOU!!! I can afford an airstone!! :) Would the pump you are giving me be to power an airstone? or will it need to be used in the set up you guys are bringing tomorrow? Is Ometh your name?? Are there any nice fish stores around us in the North?
      Oh yea it'll definitely power and air stone. Had it on a 75 holding tank and it worked perfectly. No my name isn actually ometh :P it's actually Zach and theres ultimate fish on 2920 but I personally don't go there for problems with the owner. Just saying but he does get a good variety of fish so I give him props on that and thats about it. The really good stores are in Houston but being youre still recovering i think you should wait :) pretty sure some people will donate some small fish if they feel friendly enough haha.


      • #48
        Originally posted by ometh View Post
        Oh yea it'll definitely power and air stone. Had it on a 75 holding tank and it worked perfectly. No my name isn actually ometh :P it's actually Zach and theres ultimate fish on 2920 but I personally don't go there for problems with the owner. Just saying but he does get a good variety of fish so I give him props on that and thats about it. The really good stores are in Houston but being youre still recovering i think you should wait :) pretty sure some people will donate some small fish if they feel friendly enough haha.
        Well, nice to meet you Zach. Thanks for all your help. :) You are probably right on continuing to lay low. I just get cabin fever and get SOOO tired of being in the house! I mean, I used to get out and work out twice a day, mowed and edged my own lawn, had a veggie garden. I lost 200 lbs in 18 months (Starting March of 2010) and found the breast cancer after my first 100 lbs was gone. I had been training for a 5 k. The susan g komen ironically, and had HORRIBLE pain in my hip in the back. I thought it was sciatica. I went to the chiro (could hardly walk to get there) and he started to adjust me. No x-rays or anything.

        I got worse and worse. More pain and more pain. Finally went to an orthopedic surgeon. We did an MRI at the SAME time the breast surgeon was doing mammograms and biopsies. I found out I had breast cancer from the biopsy of 4 different lumps, I found out it had metastasized to my bones (skull, base of skull, shoulder, ribs, spine, hips, and pelvis) Every time the chiro adjusted me, he broke my bones!!!!!! The pain is excruciating! I have a walker and a wheelchair I get around with. Depending on the day I can still walk pretty decent (THANKFULLY). And even better news, my therapy is working. :) It's the third one we have tried. I am SO fortunate as I don't have to go though chemo. The canSer I have feeds off of estrogen. So they have stopped estrogen production and started pumping me full of testosterone. :( SO not fun when you are a girly girl. BUT, I would rather grow a couple chin hairs I can pluck than have canSer!!! lol!!! I did oral chemo as my second therapy for a few months, and it did NOTHING in the way of shrinking the tumors. But wreaked havoc on my poor body.

        So, now I am swimming 3 days a week. Not for long, but long enough. I used to weigh over 620 lbs. YEP! I was in a HORRIBLY abusive marriage and SEVERELY depressed. Jan of 2010, I decided to turn EVERYTHING around, started working out, got a divorce (got laid off from my job as well in Jan). I have learned SOOO much! I still have a LONG way to go but it's WORTH IT!! I AM WORTH IT!! :)

        Not sure why I just vented about my personal stuff to you guys. I guess I felt I owed you some deep information about who I am and WHY what you all are doing is so important for me. I appreciate it SO much. This tank is going to give me a sanctuary. A place to get lost in and help with my panic attacks as well. I am so excited. :)

        Ya'll have a FANTASTIC night and if you want to get a hold of me with (tank) donations or anything, please just text my cell. :) 835-353-0619

        Take Care!!


        • #49
          If you would like some Cichlid fry for your tank I would be more than happy to give you some. It is 2am so I thought it best to post on here instead of texting you. Call or text me if you are interested my number is 832-350-4489 my name is Kristan
          My fish have more personality than you


          • #50
            I will throw in the Angels. I have a few Gold crown angelfish. very pretty...
            Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


            • #51
              I'm just waiting on Clyde to pm after he gets off so I can go over and help. I think anyone donating anything should come today as well.


              • #52
                Sorry I can't drop off today. But the tank should be set up today ready for fish tomorrow?
                Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                • #53
                  Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                  Sorry I can't drop off today. But the tank should be set up today ready for fish tomorrow?
                  yep, clyde is suppose to bring established water and i'm bringing a canister with established media in it.


                  • #54
                    You guys are so awesome. I just don't know have words for how grateful I am. Seriously. Thank you!!!


                    • #55
                      Sent text photo (98).jpg these are the Angels... I can bring them tomorrow....
                      Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by troy tucker View Post
                        Sent text [ATTACH=CONFIG]12356[/ATTACH] these are the Angels... I can bring them tomorrow....
                        TROY!!! The angels are GORGEOUS!!I would be HONORED to accept them!!! Thank you!!! :)
                        Last edited by Yarra; 06-19-2012, 01:29 PM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Kikki View Post
                          If you would like some Cichlid fry for your tank I would be more than happy to give you some. It is 2am so I thought it best to post on here instead of texting you. Call or text me if you are interested my number is 832-350-4489 my name is Kristan
                          Can I put cichlids in with angels, neons, rams and barbs? Are they malowi? (sp) I think a mating pair would be fun to have, I THINK there would be plenty of room in a 55 gal to give a pair of cichlids some room to establish their little area of the tank.

                          Any ideas from Ya'll??


                          • #58
                            African cichlids would probably not be a good idea with the tetras , rams, and angels.
                            Go to Heaven for the climate Hell for the company.

                            125g SA/CA
                            125g Red Jewels, and mbuna
                            90g Hex Angels, Tetras, and Cories
                            55g Low Tech Planted. Guppies, Neon Tetras, Red Cherry Shrimp
                            55g peacock pair
                            45g Fry tank
                            12g Hospital Tank
                            75g Coming soon....Geos?


                            • #59
                              But rams, tetras and angels is a good mix.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by ometh View Post
                                But rams, tetras and angels is a good mix.
                                What about barbs and/or guppies with this group?

