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SOLD! 75 gallon discus tank!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • For Sale: SOLD! 75 gallon discus tank!!!!!!!!!!!!

    SOLD! I am selling my 75 gallon freshwater tank. I have decided to dedicate my time to saltwater. Below is a list of everything included in the setup.

    75 Gallon Aqueon Tank
    33” tall black stand
    48” t5 2 bulb AquaticLife fixture
    Timer for light
    Eheim 2217
    Aqueon Pro 300 watt heater
    48” black flexible bubble wand w/ air pump
    Black background
    4 bags worth of Eco-Complete Black Substrate – Used for live plants
    2 large pieces of driftwood
    8 artificial plants
    Large and medium sized river rocks
    2 small Discus fish
    Mated pair of Electric Blue and German Rams – gorgeous colors!
    5 Neon Tetras – 2 blue & 3 gold
    3 Cory Cats – Albino, Sterbai & Emerald Green
    1 Clown Loach
    5 Amano Shrimps
    3 Otto Cats
    1 Long Finned Bristle Nose Pleco
    2 Assassin Snails
    This is a beautiful freshwater tank that will catch everyone’s attention. As I mentioned, I would like to invest my time in saltwater and I would like to sell my complete setup. SOLD
    Last edited by Reefermadness; 07-25-2012, 04:57 PM. Reason: SOLD

  • #2
    How old is the heater?

    If you part I would be interested in the heater depending on the price you are asking


    • #3
      Sorry I would rather not part out

