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Moving Sale:120 Gal w/Contemporary stand/canopy & 72 Gal Oceanic Bowfront w/stand

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  • For Sale: Moving Sale:120 Gal w/Contemporary stand/canopy & 72 Gal Oceanic Bowfront w/stand

    Must sell both aquariums and all equipment:

    120 Gallon Aquarium with custom contemporary stand and canopy
    Comes with glass top/cover, 2 compact fluorescent fixtures, drilled overflow w/ Oceanic trickle filter Model 150 w/bioballs & Eheim pump for excellent filtration, Eheim 2262 canister filter, inline heater, & magnet cleaner. Comes with crushed coral, rocks and plants. Fully stocked with assortment of breeding cichlids (mostly Malawi). Buyer must provide manpower and equipment to move as the tank and stand are very heavy. Reduced to $1500 OBO.

    72 Gallon Bowfront and equipment sold

    Other equipment:
    Compact Fluorescent fixture, 4 bulb 48 inch $25
    Pinpoint pH Controller (American Marine) - Just needs replacement pH probe $50
    CO2 tank - 20# $25
    29 gallon aquarium with sponge filter, just needs replacement sponge - great condition $25
    T5 48" light fixture w/4 bulbs - $25 sold

    Email questions to Steve @
    Last edited by scoinhou; 08-15-2012, 08:23 PM.

  • #2
    Would like some pics and history on the 72 bowfront


    • #3
      Originally posted by danielp View Post
      Would like some pics and history on the 72 bowfront
      The 72 bowfront is about 3 years old, great shape, was used as discus tank. As I got busier at work, I had to take the tank down so it has been empty for about a year now. Still looks new. Having problems getting a pic uploaded but if you want to send me your email address, I can send you a pic.


      • #4
        Txt me the 72 also 281777029six
        75g Tank,
        2- Wild Scalare Angel 2-wild Angel snakeskin, 2-half blue half black Angels, 5-Guianacara Geayi, 4- Blue Rams(1m/3f), 1- L144, 1- Pleco unknown type 1-Blue Neon Goby
        2.5g Mini Monter - Shrimp Tank
        10-RCS, 1-Red Sakura 5-Malawa, 8-Boraras Brigittie, 1-Adonis Pleco, 1-Zebra Nerite, 1-Horned Nerite
        10g Tank
        Hospital 2-F. Endlers

        2-29g Empty Tank, 20L Empty Tank , 125g Empty Tank[SIGPIC]sigpic


        • #5
          [QUOTE=scoinhou;634690]The 72 bowfront is about 3 years old, great shape, was used as discus tank. As I got busier at work, I had to take the tank down so it has been empty for about a year now. Still looks new. Having problems getting a pic uploaded but if you want to send me your email address, I can send you a pic.[/QUOTE

          Pm sent


          • #6
            pm sent for 20 gallon tank .


            • #7
              pm sent for 20 gallon tank .ho and the 48" t5 light fixture.


              • #8
                Message sent via gmail...


                • #9
                  Pm sent
                  Live Fast, Die Young, Leave A Good Looking Corpse!

                  Been in hobby since March 2006


                  • #10
                    PM sent
                    10g Community Planted Aquarium
                    10g-CRS Planted Aquarium
                    55g Saltwater Aquarium-
                    20gH-Angelfish Planted Aquarium
                    20gL-Leopard Gecko

                    A 13 Year Old Teen Who Loves his animals!!
                    YOUTUBE: Michael15551


                    • #11
                      What brand is the t5 fixture and how old


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by scoinhou View Post
                        Must sell both aquariums and all equipment:

                        120 Gallon Aquarium with custom contemporary stand and canopy
                        Comes with glass top/cover, 2 compact fluorescent fixtures, drilled overflow w/ Oceanic trickle filter Model 150 w/bioballs & Eheim pump for excellent filtration, Eheim 2262 canister filter, inline heater, & magnet cleaner. Comes with crushed coral, rocks and plants. Fully stocked with assortment of breeding cichlids (mostly Malawi). Buyer must provide manpower and equipment to move as the tank and stand are very heavy. Reduced to $1500 OBO.

                        Other equipment:
                        Pinpoint pH Controller (American Marine) - Just needs replacement pH probe $50
                        CO2 tank - 20# $25
                        48" Compact Fluorescent
                        29 gallon aquarium with sponge filter, might need replacement sponge - tank in great condition $25

                        Email questions to Steve @
                        Corrected list above of items still available


                        • #13
                          Moving Sale:120 Gal w/Contemporary stand/canopy & 72 Gal Oceanic Bowfront w/stand

                          Email sent


                          • #14
                            Thanks again Steve.
                            210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                            125g Mdoka White Lip

                            "Success is the willingness to fail"

