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Black sand

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  • For Sale: Black sand

    $40 bring buckets :)
    I have around 150# of black sand in a 125 g
    Want to change to lighter sand cause my black rocks
    And black background. Lmk.

    Clean and cycled sand no even a single mts there
    125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

    55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

    55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

    10 gal -fry tank,snails

  • #2
    what brand is the sand or is it like blasting sand?


    • #3
      Like blasting sand , but not the one that fly away is same consistency of Pfs , they sell it around $20 x 50#

      I can let it go for $35
      125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

      55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

      55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

      10 gal -fry tank,snails


      • #4
        To help with geral the sand is the dark looking chichlid sand it's a very expensive sand glws


        • #5
          and guaranteed not to have any pests like snails and such?


          • #6
            It's clean it's in my show tank, no even a single snail !
            125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

            55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

            55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

            10 gal -fry tank,snails


            • #7
              125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

              55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

              55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

              10 gal -fry tank,snails


              • #8
                210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
                125g Mdoka White Lip

                "Success is the willingness to fail"


                • #9
                  Lmk if u want it I cut u a deal
                  125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

                  55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

                  55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

                  10 gal -fry tank,snails


                  • #10
                    Is it like CaribSea Tahitian Moon Sand in color and grain size? What would you charge for a 5g bucket of the sand? Please post a pic or two if possible. :)


                    • #11
                      Is blasting sand grain size is like psf

                      As soon as I change mine it would be up for grabs if a deal I am working fall
                      125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

                      55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

                      55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

                      10 gal -fry tank,snails


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ballinxalex View Post
                        To help with geral the sand is the dark looking chichlid sand it's a very expensive sand glws

                        You just gave people the wrong info.... Gerald said its blasting sand not the cichlid sand.

                        Geral is this the black diamond stuff??


                        • #13
                          Black sand

                          Kinda wanna know where you got this stuff from


                          • #14
                            Fish ranch

                            Is like black diamond just better consistency
                            And brand the one tran sell. $20 a bag
                            125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

                            55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

                            55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

                            10 gal -fry tank,snails


                            • #15
                              the sand is pending will update later this week
                              125 gal-P. Kachase,simochromis, vampire pleco,bn pleco,bulldog pleco

                              55 gal- Ilangis ,clown pleco,abn pleco,rubber lip pleco

                              55 gal-Canary cheek,Ikola,duboisi, and fry

                              10 gal -fry tank,snails

