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Tons of Fish Equipment and Setups CHEAP

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  • For Sale: Tons of Fish Equipment and Setups CHEAP

    I have a 29G with light,filter,fish and plants etc. $60 Has tons of guppies mollys some very neat colors.
    I have a 20G Long with light,filter,fish and plants $50 Has a rare self cloning crayfish. Called a marble crayfish.
    I have a 10g full setup with about 3 fish $30
    I have a 2.5g with a breeding pair of guppies $10
    I have a 10g Saltwater setup has everything it is also partitioned out has its own chamber for filter media. THIS TANK WILL NOT COME WITH FISH OR ROCKS. $60 This tank also has live sand and a power head.
    I have aqua h20 I think its 8g with filter,light,hood, Fish has a cool pair of guppies and also a shrimp. $50

    I have a huge lot of random fish equipment. Filters,deco, etc I will let everything go for $60


    Call/text me with questions 8326524688

    Im trying to do a bulk sale but will part this stuff out. $250 FIRM TAKES EVERYTHING.
    You will need to bring your equipment to transport fish. I have the equipment to drain them.
    If you buy everything I will also break the stand down and give that to you also. I will also give you all the power strips used for these tanks.

    I sold the 15g Rimless top row middle.
    Last edited by Freddy54; 09-15-2013, 08:39 PM.

  • #2
    Still need to get rid of these!

