Hello all, Im selling my sons 40 breeder setup as we are moving to Cali real soon. Its a standard 40 breeder with unskinned stand. I am asking $200 for it all, everything is in great condition. Price is negotiable though. If you have any questions please PM me or text at 832-247-1932.
150w coralife MH w/ 14K bulb
Octopus BH 100 skimmer
300w heater
2 pumps
Digital aquatics reef keeper lite controller
Approx 40 lbs of live rock and sand
Allot of dragons breath macroalgae
5-6 heads of torch coral, large plate coral, 2 cardinals, 1 Xmas wrasse, CUC
150w coralife MH w/ 14K bulb
Octopus BH 100 skimmer
300w heater
2 pumps
Digital aquatics reef keeper lite controller
Approx 40 lbs of live rock and sand
Allot of dragons breath macroalgae
5-6 heads of torch coral, large plate coral, 2 cardinals, 1 Xmas wrasse, CUC