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Eheim Pro 2 filter,Fluval 304--- $80or BO

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  • For Sale: Eheim Pro 2 filter,Fluval 304--- $80or BO

    Eheim Pro 2 filter,Fluval 304
    Well I listed these 2 seperately before at what I thought were ok prices but I got no bites..No bites .......haha Get it ???? No Bites. Get it???? No Bites. That's funny I don't care who you are. NO Bites.

    OK Fluval 304 and one Eheim Pro 2 Filters.Both worked fine when taken out of service early 2014.The Fluval needs a part----the clear plastic cover that goes over the impeller (online for about $9)
    The old one works but should be replaced.Both come with all the original medias. Just as pulled out of service.So they need cleaning.ALL original hoses, valves, and fittings included for both - (Not guaranteed - but as far as I can tell all is totally complete)
    $80 or BO for both PLUS flat shipping to Houston from East TX zip 75948 for $30
    Best offer this week gets them. Thank you, Marc 409 579 3860 Paypal preferred

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