I have 100 gallon fish tank, stand, 1 magnum 350 canister filter, one marineland emperor 400, bubble bar, air pump, heater, zoo-med sweeping powerhead, 48" light fixture with 8k plant growth bulbs, 100+ lbs of brown gravel and a few fake plants, piece of driftwood, few pieces of slate and 1 live plant(hornwort). Tank houses 6-7 tiger guppies, pair of angelfish and a pair of lyertail gold dust mollies. They can all be included in the sale. Back of tank is painted black, but can be peeled off. Stand and tank trim is a cream color, inside of stand, part where tank sits on stand and back of tank stand are painted with black water proof paint to protect from damage. Asking $300.00 for everything.
Measurements of tank are;
60 long
18 wide
20 tall
Measurements of tank are;
60 long
18 wide
20 tall