I'm selling an Aquavas 65cm aquarium that is like new. Includes garden mat. Comes with Ecoxotic E60 full spectrum LED light. Eheim skim 350. Fluval 305. The aquarium sits on a Fluval Osaka stand which look like it was made for it.
In a the aquarium it has a large show piece of spider wood. Mat of Java fern. 20 lbs of CaribSea Aragonite Aquarium Sand. 7 Odessa barbs and 3 Panda barbs. Nice setup all for $350.
In a the aquarium it has a large show piece of spider wood. Mat of Java fern. 20 lbs of CaribSea Aragonite Aquarium Sand. 7 Odessa barbs and 3 Panda barbs. Nice setup all for $350.