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Discus books

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  • For Trade: Discus books

    Small collection of Discus books up for trade.

    Success with Discus -Jim Quarels
    Wayne's Discus Guidebook
    Handbook of Discus - Jack Whatley
    The Discus, king of aquariums -Bernd Degan
    Schmidt-Focke's Discus book - Dr. Eduard Schmidt-Focke

    Trade items I am interested in

    Shrimp - cherry (fire, Sakura)
    Chrystal shrimp (other interesting shrimp that don't cross with cherry)
    Amano shrimp
    Pygmy cories
    Oto cats

    Freshwater Led lights for planted tank (have enough lights now but may be interested in specific lights if the offer is there)

    CO2 glass pollen diffusers, co2 drop checkers and solution, dosing pumps, freshwater fertilizers, ADA aqua soil. Nice overflow box. Wet dry filter (nice). Canister filter (nice). Aquascaping Stones.

    Already have everything listed but glass items. So I am not in need of those items, but I do want to upgrade on some things. If I need to add cash to the books to make a deal that makes both people happy I can do so.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Tetranerd; 01-23-2015, 05:32 AM.

  • #2
    Found three more books.

    A Guide to Happy Healthy Discus by Mic&Maddy Hargrove
    All About Discus - by Herbert Axelrod
    Discus Keeping & Breeding in Captivity - Mar Sweeney

    Not looking to get more than they are worth, just looking to pass these books onto someone who is currently keeping Discus.
    Any deals or interest please send me a PM
    Attached Files


    • #3
      Anyone............... Buehler......buehler........

