Time to make room. All items are best offer. Will hold if paid by paypal. Had too many people in the past say hold for me and never show.
Panworld NH-200PS pump $150

Iwaki MD40RT $130
Iwaki MD55RLT $140 SOLD

Dart Gold Hybrid $260

Large PM Sump 36"x 24"T x18" $100

Trickle filter with bio balls 30"x18"Tx16" $150

4ft MH/T5 comb lights (moonlight LED's don't function) $100 each

55 gal Aquarium Tank only 48"x20"Tx12" $45

All prices are OBO so feel free to make an offer. You never know till you ask.
I also have some free 1/2 glass for you DIYers out there. Came from some broken tanks. Various sizes. Must take all but it's free.

Also a free empty shelf for storage

You can PM me or for faster response email me at thisguy427@yahoo.com
Panworld NH-200PS pump $150

Iwaki MD40RT $130
Iwaki MD55RLT $140 SOLD

Dart Gold Hybrid $260

Large PM Sump 36"x 24"T x18" $100

Trickle filter with bio balls 30"x18"Tx16" $150

4ft MH/T5 comb lights (moonlight LED's don't function) $100 each

55 gal Aquarium Tank only 48"x20"Tx12" $45

All prices are OBO so feel free to make an offer. You never know till you ask.
I also have some free 1/2 glass for you DIYers out there. Came from some broken tanks. Various sizes. Must take all but it's free.

Also a free empty shelf for storage

You can PM me or for faster response email me at thisguy427@yahoo.com