Biocube 29 with RapidLED retrofit kit installed (soft coral, LPS and SPS capable), cabinet, return pump and protein skimmer included. 2 years old. Price is $100.
AquaEuro Chiller, 1/13HP, price is $50.
Caribsea life rock dry rock 35 lb, $45
Dry sand 25 lb, $15
Please text nine seven nine-4509336. The location is I10 and Beltway 8 in the west.
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AquaEuro Chiller, 1/13HP, price is $50.
Caribsea life rock dry rock 35 lb, $45
Dry sand 25 lb, $15
Please text nine seven nine-4509336. The location is I10 and Beltway 8 in the west.
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