Looking to sale my tank that's been sitting in a garage. When the tank was moved into the garage, it was holding water. Hasn't been tested since. $100 for everything.
Standard Oceanic (Heavy) 180 Gallon tank. 6x2x2 Rear glass overflow for BeanAnimal system
Wood Stand that can fit a 210 Gallon tank. 7x2x2
A wood canopy that has fluorescent reef lighting. 12 36" T5 tubes (forgot the brand). Some lights don't work, probably needs a transformer or two
5-stage BulkReefSupply RODI unit....all filters will need to be changed
BulkReefSupply ReefSavor Rock (Unsure how many lbs)
Precision Marine Skimmer (Needs new Pump)
Need this gone. Do not message me or waste my time if you aren't going to pick everything up. You need at least 6-8 strong (150lbs a person) to lift the tank.
Standard Oceanic (Heavy) 180 Gallon tank. 6x2x2 Rear glass overflow for BeanAnimal system
Wood Stand that can fit a 210 Gallon tank. 7x2x2
A wood canopy that has fluorescent reef lighting. 12 36" T5 tubes (forgot the brand). Some lights don't work, probably needs a transformer or two
5-stage BulkReefSupply RODI unit....all filters will need to be changed
BulkReefSupply ReefSavor Rock (Unsure how many lbs)
Precision Marine Skimmer (Needs new Pump)
Need this gone. Do not message me or waste my time if you aren't going to pick everything up. You need at least 6-8 strong (150lbs a person) to lift the tank.