Complete reef ready setup for sale. Cherry oak solid wood stand with small crack. Live stock not included
Comes with:
Reef breeders V1 led 48”
2x Jebao gyro cp40
Curve 5 protein skimmer
JBJ ato includes 10 gallon water reservoir and pump
Eshopps R300 refugium includes 3 filter socks
Quiet One 4000 return pump
BRS media reactor includes unopened carbon and gfo from BRS
Pukani and Fiji Rocks 100lbs total
Live sand
2x API test kit
2x Refractometer
mag 7 used for water changes
2x heater
200g reef crystal salt unopened
20 gallon tank
2x aqueon 950 powerhead
And many more
text @ 8327682336 for more info
Comes with:
Reef breeders V1 led 48”
2x Jebao gyro cp40
Curve 5 protein skimmer
JBJ ato includes 10 gallon water reservoir and pump
Eshopps R300 refugium includes 3 filter socks
Quiet One 4000 return pump
BRS media reactor includes unopened carbon and gfo from BRS
Pukani and Fiji Rocks 100lbs total
Live sand
2x API test kit
2x Refractometer
mag 7 used for water changes
2x heater
200g reef crystal salt unopened
20 gallon tank
2x aqueon 950 powerhead
And many more
text @ 8327682336 for more info