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CYCLED Penn-Plax Cascade 1000 Canister Filter

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  • For Sale: CYCLED Penn-Plax Cascade 1000 Canister Filter

    Recently upgraded from a Cascade 1000 to a Cascade 1200, and I'm looking to sell the old filter. Its been running in a planted tank for about a year and a half; flow still seems fine (can't really remember the original flowrate tbh), and it comes fully loaded with filter media + bacteria so if you're setting up a new tank and looking for an insta-cycle, heres your chance! As far as media, it has a bunch of ceramic rings, aquarium floss, 1 hard sponge and I believe a bag of plastic bio-balls. I'll also give you the new, unopened accessory bags (intake, outflow, suction cups, etc) from the new filter, as I just used the old ones. Comes with 2-3 ft of tubing (shown in pic), but I might suggest getting some fresh tubes. Feel free to ask questions, thanks!


  • #2
    How much are you asking and what part of town are you in?


    • #3
      Originally posted by jsbaker View Post
      How much are you asking and what part of town are you in?
      Ahh you're right, copied from a FB post and forgot that part.

      Asking $60, I'm in 77007, willing to meet inside 610.


      • #4
        CYCLED Penn Plax Cascade 1000 Canister Filter

        Glad I could be of help My filter is still running this morning as quiet as when it was new.I have an AquaClear 110 with sponge and bio-balls, and the Fluval 406 with sponge, bio-balls, Seachem Matrix basically just rocks, and ceramic bio rings running on a 75 gallon so I know the tank is overfiltered, and that in a pinch I could run this tank on just one filter and still have healthy fish.Safety in redundancy.
        Adorable Wallpapers


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mikahom View Post
          Glad I could be of help My filter is still running this morning as quiet as when it was new.I have an AquaClear 110 with sponge and bio-balls, and the Fluval 406 with sponge, bio-balls, Seachem Matrix basically just rocks, and ceramic bio rings running on a 75 gallon so I know the tank is overfiltered, and that in a pinch I could run this tank on just one filter and still have healthy fish.Safety in redundancy.
          Not sure I understand your comment, are you looking to buy? Or maybe you posted in the wrong thread?


          • #6
            Give u 40


            • #7
              Originally posted by gmod View Post
              Give u 40
              Someone on FB offered me $60 if I still have it by next Friday, I'll sell it for 50 if you pick it up sooner.


              • #8
                Nah I can get 2217 for that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gmod View Post
                  Nah I can get 2217 for that.
                  Can you buy 4-6 weeks of cycle time?

                  Just kidding, good luck.

