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Upgraded Fluval Flex 15, Hardscape, Plants (Or package deal!)

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  • For Sale: Upgraded Fluval Flex 15, Hardscape, Plants (Or package deal!)

    Consolidating my livestock to a single tank and selling my original. Pictures below.

    Fluval Flex 15 (Purchased in December of 2019)

    • Fluval Flex 15
    • Upgraded light: Fluval 15-24" Aquasky (fixed to the interior of the hood - use your phone instead of the original remote; better lighting and you can set schedules)
    • Upgraded pump: Eheim CompactON 60
    • Original Fluval light and pump

    Price for all: $120 $100


    • 4 small/nano sized pieces of Seiryu Stone
    • Awesome piece of driftwood. Purchased from Fish Gallery for... a lot more than its listed for here - fits this aquarium size perfectly (in my opinion)

    Price: $30

    I'll sell everything for $140 $120, including the substrate, media, plants and whatever red cherry skrimps I can't net out.
    Plants currently include a bunch Dwarf Sagittaria, Vallisneria Spiralis (jungle val), anubias nana petite attached to a small piece of driftwood, some java moss and some floating hornwort (if you want it)Located in Oak Forest (77018) - PM or reply if interested or if you have questions. Thanks!! -Ben
    Last edited by Crude; 05-15-2020, 10:30 AM. Reason: Price drop

  • #2
    Bump, willing to negotiate. Thanks!

    Edit: I should clarify there are nerite eggs on the tank, substrate and hardscape. Not going to hatch, but could need to be scraped way depending on your aesthetic preferences
    Last edited by Crude; 05-12-2020, 05:47 PM.


    • #3
      Dropping the price a bit. Will likely be breaking the tank down this weekend.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Crude View Post
        Dropping the price a bit. Will likely be breaking the tank down this weekend.

        Would you consider selling fish separately?


        • #5
          Sorry, the fish have all been moved over to my new setup.


          • #6
            I am interested can I Pm you?


            • #7
              Yes, please PM me. Thanks

              I also have the Eheim Jager 100W I'll throw in for $15.


              • #8
                Sold! Thanks yall!

