Trumpet Corals $15.00
Toadstool Mushrooms $15.00
Glove Polyps- $20.00
Green Montipora Capricornis $25-75.00
Green Acropora- $15.00
Brain Coral $75.00
Chaeto algae, $15.00 / gal bag
Live sand and rock- price negotiable.
Call or text 28one 7two8-one53five.
All must go within the next two weeks.
Toadstool Mushrooms $15.00
Glove Polyps- $20.00
Green Montipora Capricornis $25-75.00
Green Acropora- $15.00
Brain Coral $75.00
Chaeto algae, $15.00 / gal bag
Live sand and rock- price negotiable.
Call or text 28one 7two8-one53five.
All must go within the next two weeks.