20 long tank with stand, screen, light, filter, heater
Stocked with bristlenose pleco, some loaches, two vampire shrimp, assorted other small shrimp, a glass cat fish, several tetras (neon and cardinal) and a fish I don't remember the name of (I have a photo), numerous plants and rocks. (Loaches, Vampires and Pleco hide)
Also including accessories : python pump, bubble box in case of power outage, extra rocks, fish food, replacement filters, small amount of prime water conditioner
Located in River Plantation in Conroe, Texas.
Stocked with bristlenose pleco, some loaches, two vampire shrimp, assorted other small shrimp, a glass cat fish, several tetras (neon and cardinal) and a fish I don't remember the name of (I have a photo), numerous plants and rocks. (Loaches, Vampires and Pleco hide)
Also including accessories : python pump, bubble box in case of power outage, extra rocks, fish food, replacement filters, small amount of prime water conditioner
Located in River Plantation in Conroe, Texas.