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55 gal ReefTank & MUCH MORE

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  • For Sale: 55 gal ReefTank & MUCH MORE

    55 gallon Saltwater/Reef Tank and a LOTS of GOOD STUFF for Sale.This setup was running successfully for about 4 years growingSofties, LPS and SPS corals. Here is a short, limited clip what itlooked like:

    The reason I shut itdown: I’m 80 years old and in the fall had back surgery and I’mnot able to give it all the attention it needed.

    So here is a greatdeal, everything included to setup a nice Reef Tank and have it upand running within days!

    And here is what youget:

    55 Gallon Tank, 29 Gallon Sump, Furniture Grade Cabinet, Aqua Gadget Skimmer, Return Pump, 2 Wave maker Pumps,
    DYI Overflow (worksperfect and restarts without problems after a power failure)
    2 DIY LED LIGHTSTRIPS and T5HO fixture (2 Bulbs)

    Additional items:
    4 Spare Wave MakerPumps (Used), 1 Spare Return Pump (Used), Heater, GroundingProbe, 2 Spare LED Drivers, 10 Filter Socks, Refractometer, PH Meter, UV Sterilizer (NEW), Coral Viewer,
    4 Frag Racks(different Size), Frag Plugs, 15 lbs of Ceramic Rings forBiological Filtration,
    40lbs of dead “LiveRock” ,

    T5HO 48” Bulbs: Hamilton 420 Blue (NEW), Hamilton 10K (NEW), Gieseman Acitinic (very short time use), ATI Blue Plus (used), Hamilton 420 (littleuse)

    Fish and CoralFood/Supplements,

    Tropic Marine ProReef Salt 6 lbs, ROX 0.8 Carbon (nearly full), Phospure and SmartStart Complete (use to eliminate cycling)

    Price; $ 350 FIRM

    Not parting out atthis time

    Thanks for looking
    Supplements.jpgFilter Socks.jpgSump.jpgLive Rock.jpgCeramic Rings.jpgFrag Racks.jpgRefractometer, PH Meter.jpgUV Sterelizer.jpgTank.jpgSupplements.jpgFilter Socks.jpgSump.jpgLive Rock.jpgCeramic Rings.jpgFrag Racks.jpgRefractometer, PH Meter.jpgUV Sterelizer.jpg
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Is this still available?

