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Free Plants!!! come get it!! there's more!!!!

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  • Free Plants!!! come get it!! there's more!!!!

    did a much needed trimming on my plant tank and ended up with a little pot full of plants. i dont want to throw it away cause i think thats wasteful. come pick up before 5:30pm in north houston at I45 & gulfbank or ~7pm down south at 59s & bellaire/hilcroft. if you want to pick it up down south let me know before i leave for work.

    its all free but you have to pick up.

    a few stems of Hemianthus micranthemoides
    a decent size runner of dwarf sag
    pinch or two of riccia
    lots of pennywort
    lots of Rotala rotundifolia, seriously its a lot!

    i would like to get rid of this today if possible, the tank they were in was high light, co2 and fertilized.

    here is my schedule so you can figure out when you want to pick this stuff up.

    awake now till 5:30pm at I45/gulfbank
    7pm till 6am working at 59s/bellaire
    ~6:30am till 9am playing with fish at I45/gulfbank
    sleep and start over.
    700g Mini-Monster tank

  • #2
    Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

    forgot email me at eklikewhoa{at}tmail{dot}com to pick up.

    this is a package deal and its free!! take one take all
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

      no one?

      its free
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

        Wife had surgery today...otherwise I would have made a trip for them.



        • #5
          Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

          I really NEED more plants, but I'm not sure what those plants are or if they would be okay in my tank. I don't have a Co2 set-up. Other than that I would come on out. I don't think you are too far from where I am. Drat!


          • #6
            Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

            how much light are you running on your tank daisymac?

            i have some riccia and hm in my shrimp tank that gets no co2 or ferts and they are growing great! but i am using bit of high lighting for that tank though.

            i think the pennywort can grow in the sewer if needed, stuff grows like weeds.

            the rotala i think needs med-high light.

            but who cares what it needs if you want it come get it! try it out and if it doesnt work then you didnt lose anything other than time and a bit of gas.

            they are starting to wilt in the bucket i have them in so if it isnt spoken for by today im just gonna trash it.
            700g Mini-Monster tank


            • #7
              Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

              I have 2 24" 15W All Glass Aquarium bulbs. I have fertilized with Plant tabs, if that helps. So whatcha think? Is that enough info? I remember when I got started someone, probably Scott or Max, made me figure out exactly the lighting I had, but I don't remember


              • #8
                Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

                what size is the tank?

                if its a 10gal then it should be good to go!
                700g Mini-Monster tank


                • #9
                  Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

                  Ha ha ha! It's a 55g!

                  Never mind anyway - my husband is having brake trouble and has hijacked my car! Boo hoo!


                  • #10
                    Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

                    Well, if you end up trashing them, could you reconsider my offer??  
                    "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                    • #11
                      Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!!

                      threw away whatever mzungu didnt want.

                      no longer available.
                      700g Mini-Monster tank


                      • #12
                        Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!! there's more!!!!

                        trimmed again and this time theres more stuff

                        Rotala rotundifolia...i would say about 20-30 stems
                        Limnophila aromatica....i think, it looks like it green on top and shiny purple on the bottom 2-3 stems
                        dwarf sag... a runner or two with about 4-5 plants
                        pearlweed...lots and lots of stems
                        java moss... pinches here and there but a softball worth if intrested
                        anubias... not exactly sure which one it is but some/most of the leaves have pleco tagged into it.

                        again i would like to get rid of all that is listed in one hit.


                        fastest response through my email...   eklikewhoa[at]tmail[dot]com
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!! there's more!!!!

                          you guys gotta be kidding me!

                          free plants and no one wants them? what if i put a price on it?
                          700g Mini-Monster tank


                          • #14
                            Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!! there's more!!!!

                            I emailed you from work, but didn't get a reply, maybe it didn't go through  :(


                            • #15
                              Re: Free Plants!!! come get it!! there's more!!!!

                              Hey karen I didn't get the email.

                              I guess just pm me here.
                              700g Mini-Monster tank

