Here is what will go with the aquarium:
-210 Gal Oceanic Aquarium (dims. 7x2x2)
-Stand (custom)
-Canopy (custom)
-All lighting (daylight and moon lighting) built into canopy
-Fans built into stand and canopy
-Filtration (3 whole-house filters, 1200 gph Little Giant pump-2 months old)
-gravel bed
-Undergravel filter plates
-3 powerheads with reverse flow kits for use with UGF
-HUGE piece of driftwood
-2 other large pieces including the hollow one that the catfish likes to call home
-20+ "polishing" filters that fit into the whole house filters
-Power strips built into stand and canopy
-Stand lighting
.....that's all that I can think of for now.
I'm asking for $1100 for everything. The driftwood itself is worth $250 (so I was told). I just bought the Little Giant pump for $160 a couple months ago. I'm hoping to replace this setup in the future with a black setup, so open to trades if you got something big and black (that one's for Nickintex) :)
Here's a video of what it's currently doing:
-210 Gal Oceanic Aquarium (dims. 7x2x2)
-Stand (custom)
-Canopy (custom)
-All lighting (daylight and moon lighting) built into canopy
-Fans built into stand and canopy
-Filtration (3 whole-house filters, 1200 gph Little Giant pump-2 months old)
-gravel bed
-Undergravel filter plates
-3 powerheads with reverse flow kits for use with UGF
-HUGE piece of driftwood
-2 other large pieces including the hollow one that the catfish likes to call home
-20+ "polishing" filters that fit into the whole house filters
-Power strips built into stand and canopy
-Stand lighting
.....that's all that I can think of for now.
I'm asking for $1100 for everything. The driftwood itself is worth $250 (so I was told). I just bought the Little Giant pump for $160 a couple months ago. I'm hoping to replace this setup in the future with a black setup, so open to trades if you got something big and black (that one's for Nickintex) :)
Here's a video of what it's currently doing: