I have a 55gl tank with two standard lights, stand, Aquatix Canister Filter (rated for 130gl), a BIG airpump (big black thing.. 'bout the size of a brick), a round airstone under the gravel...
tank has 1 large piece of wood, 1 med, fake plants plus some live plants coffafolia (spelling...LOL).
1 Large pink kisser, 1 med.
2 large Angels, mated pair...
1 large pleco
1 giant Danio.
Whole thing for $175. I have another tank and this one I just can't keep up with right now.... so I'll get rid of it.
tank has 1 large piece of wood, 1 med, fake plants plus some live plants coffafolia (spelling...LOL).
1 Large pink kisser, 1 med.
2 large Angels, mated pair...
1 large pleco
1 giant Danio.
Whole thing for $175. I have another tank and this one I just can't keep up with right now.... so I'll get rid of it.