I have 7 Frontosas for sale. Two I took from a friend because he couldn't take care of them recently and 5 Mpimbwes I got from Frontosaurus Rex. My 125 gallon cracked and I had to get rid of it and now they're all living in a 46 gallon. Asking $120 (paid $140 for the Mpimbwes alone). Oh, BTW, they're all juvies.. 3 to 5 inches.
Need to sell them ASAP. I think I might just break it down and get out of the hobby so if you're interested in the 46g bowfront, back painted blue, with a coralife light and a filter, send me an offer.
Need to sell them ASAP. I think I might just break it down and get out of the hobby so if you're interested in the 46g bowfront, back painted blue, with a coralife light and a filter, send me an offer.