I just realized I may have over done it with my fish....I have one red devil, 2 flowerhorns, 2 dovii's and a tank full of african chiclids...oh i forgot to mention my clown knife......does anyone have any large tanks "just lying around" that they wouldnt mind selling? thnx in advance
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anyone have large tanks for sale?
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Re: anyone have large tanks for sale?
wvt is selling is 200Smokin_Cache
Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
Lets see what the imagination fruits.
Check out my last tank
Re: anyone have large tanks for sale?
In respose to your question about tank size....I have 4 tanks 2-30 gal and, 2-20 gal and a 18 gallon bucket I use for a make shift tank....all the fish are kept seperate(except the african chiclids and clown knife, and the dovii's....
I'm new here so I dont know members by name...do you know how much they are asking for the tanks?...i guess i'll do a search and try to pm the members...thnx
Re: anyone have large tanks for sale?
I have a 200 gallon up for sale.
You can call me at 281-813-7820
WalterBoard Member of Houston Aquarium Society
Mod OF Marshreef
Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
Coming soon Daphnia
Re: anyone have large tanks for sale?
I have an old 90G complete setup available. Will part out if you don't need it all. See http://home.mindspring.com/~richmro/id17.html and PM me if interested. Thanks.
Re: anyone have large tanks for sale?
Hey, ive got 55gal plus stand and 36"light hood cheap .just call me if instrested.Rick#832-681-6390Rick
150 gal EMPTY C siphon w/29 gal sump
110 gal empty cannister
90 gal reef ready oceanic trickle filter
29 gal long hob
30 gal tall hob
10 gal hob