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WTS 3-4 inch arrowana and 10 gallon glass lid and filter

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  • WTS 3-4 inch arrowana and 10 gallon glass lid and filter

    i have a 3-4 i love it but i am in need of money at the momment i would like to sell it for 20 dollars i also have a 10 gallon for sale with filter and a glass top i would like to let it go for 30 dollars i am located in the alief area and only meet up in the alief area if you have any question please call or text 7135506596 thank you

    i will let the fish and the tank go for 40 dollars if someone wants to buy both of them!
    Last edited by himynameisjeff; 06-19-2009, 04:26 PM.

  • #2
    awhh man what happened?
    210 gallon ~ S/A, C/A build; jaguar, dovii, flowerhorn, gold doviI, 2 red devils, pacu, shovel nose cat
    125 gallon long ~ African cichlids
    10 gallon ~ ghost shrimp breeding (fish treats) haha


    • #3
      ahaha i just need money for something


      • #4
        what part of town are you from Jeff?


        I guess I should say, where is the alief area?
        Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


        • #5
          i am in the southwest area


          • #6
            if ya have it in a couple days, ill take the aro if its a silver... can u pm me pics?


            • #7
              pm'd you

              for all the interested buyers here is a pic! sorry i couldnt get a better one because he is very active and swims too fast for my camera to respond lol!

              very healthy arowana!
              Last edited by himynameisjeff; 06-19-2009, 08:51 PM.


              • #8
                Nice looking young arrow.....thanks for the should have the fish or both sold by sunday....good luck.


                PS.....Full Tank Shot would be nice too....if you still got the cam handy.... :)
                Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                • #9
                  haha thanks! and i hope so!

                  here is a tank shot and the glass lid

                  the glass lid has 2 cracks on it but its stable for a light because i have been keeping a light on it


                  • #10
                    Hint for the future, a thin clean line of silicone over a crack will increase the odds of the glass not cracking any further, and in some cases could "fix" the lid completely for the most part.

                    Be sure to apply the silicone over both top and bottom and let set for a couple hours....

                    Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CichlidFan View Post
                      Hint for the future, a thin clean line of silicone over a crack will increase the odds of the glass not cracking any further, and in some cases could "fix" the lid completely for the most part.

                      Be sure to apply the silicone over both top and bottom and let set for a couple hours....

                      thanks for the advice, but me and applying things dont work out too good


                      • #12
                        People change.......good luck with the sale Jeff.....

                        Truth is the cement that holds the bricks and stones of a sane and civilized society together. Remove the former and the latter will crumble.


                        • #13
                          thank you very much steve


                          • #14
                            im willing to let it go for 10 dollars if anyone can give me money by monday :]


                            • #15
                              arowana is super active!! lol. i always come over and feed it. it WILL jump out of water for bloodworms. it eats quite a bit, very easy to take care of at this stage of its life. doesnt really make a mess of anything lol. i would pick it up but i told myself AND my gf that i wouldnt buy anymore fish lol.

