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COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much more

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  • COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much more

    OK here it is. My whole 125 setup. It’s or nothing with this deal. I do not want to part it out. I am asking $1500 which includes the following

    1ea. 72” 384watt Current PC light fixture with 460nm moon lights. It has 4ea. 6700K bulbs.
    2ea. 36” 96watt Jebo PC fixtures
    These are all on the tank at this time.
    1ea. 5# CO2 bottle
    1ea Complete Milwalkee PH controller, regulator, solenoid, bubble counter, and a pinpoint PH probe I just put on last week. Some 4 and 7 ph calibration solutions
    Eheim 1260 return pump
    2ea Quiet One 3000 (780gph) pumps for moving water around and water changes. One of these only has about 20 minutes of run time on it.
    ¾ of a 2 liter bottle of Flourish Excel
    The tank has about 250#s of Eco-Complete in it. Also I have 10ea. unopened 22# bags still in the cases.
    1 55 gallon water barrel
    About 40ft of hose which I use on the python and on the pump to change water.
    1ea. Python tube
    1ea. Magnum HOT with 4 or 5 new micron filters
    1ea 18” set of hemostats
    All of my testing stuff (all them are drops) with about 20 extra test tubes
    125g tank stand and 29g sump. Please look at my web site for tank, sump, and stand details.
    2ea. Discus
    11ea. Cardinal Tetras
    2ea Unkown
    ? Ghost shrimp they are hatching all the time and they get eaten all the time. At least 10 of them. One of them was full of eggs last week and it no carrying any now so there are some small ones on the way.
    1 pair German Blue Ram
    2ea. Flounder
    19 Bristlenose
    1ea. Eheim 2028 with new boxes of all the filter media.

    Well I don’t think I forgot anything. I will edit it if I did. Yall have all watched the tank being built. Please feel free to ask any questions. I get home about 6pm if you would like to look at everything. I have pictures I took tonight I can email.
    Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
    Lets see what the imagination fruits.
    Check out my last tank

  • #2
    Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

    incredible set up! worth every penny

    Not only can I not afford it, I only really need a few bits to finish off what I have.

    I'd kill (cull) for that CO2 and the Jebo lights
    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


    • #3
      Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

      Forgot about the two clown loaches!!
      Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
      Lets see what the imagination fruits.
      Check out my last tank


      • #4
        Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

        I missed a box of Eco Complete when I was counting. The sale includes 12ea twenty pound bags.
        Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
        Lets see what the imagination fruits.
        Check out my last tank


        • #5
          Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

          I sure hope your not getting out completely.
          Are you thinking of a smaller tank?
          Board Member of Houston Aquarium Society
          Mod OF Marshreef

          Breeder of Discus, Angels, Bristle nose & Sail fin Mollies
          Coming soon Daphnia


          • #6
            Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

            Not right now. I will get back into it someday when I find the right tank for the house. Make me an offer on the whole setup. There is money to be had here Walter.
            Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
            Lets see what the imagination fruits.
            Check out my last tank


            • #7
              Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus REDUCED

              Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
              Lets see what the imagination fruits.
              Check out my last tank


              • #8
                Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                OK anyone want to make an offer. I would really like to see it go to someone wanting to give a bigger tank a try but hasn't had the opportunity. I can't give it away, but I am open to offers. If I can't get rid of it here on HFB I will just keep it. Maybe I should start parting it out. What do yall think?
                Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
                Lets see what the imagination fruits.
                Check out my last tank


                • #9
                  Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                  OK add a 10# Co2 bottle to the mix .

                  So this sale includes both a 10# and a 5# CO2 bottles
                  Planning a new 150+ tank. Any suggestions?
                  Lets see what the imagination fruits.
                  Check out my last tank


                  • #10
                    Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                    tempting me with co2. EVIL
                    "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" -- Benjamin Frankli


                    • #11
                      Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                      Well, I would like for you to sell it all at once, too, it would be much easier for you. BUT...if you part it out I bet you'll get TONS of offers....I know I have a couple!!
                      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                      • #12
                        Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                        i know i would be intrested in the co2 stuff.  
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #13
                          Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                          I would be very interested in a couple of the BN plecos, some plants and driftwood (not that I saw that listed) so if you start to sell it piece by piece . . . well, remember me!


                          • #14
                            Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                            I'd be interested in the BN's, that is if you can catch the little stinkers   .  I just had to round up my little albino BN's and they are fast little guys/gals.  What flavor are the Discus?
                            Reasoning with some people is like trying to nail jello to a wall...


                            • #15
                              Re: COMPLETE!! 125 gallon planted with Discus and much much

                              I'd love the CO2 stuff as well, but I think gt3guru's got first dibs.  Sigh.
                              "Millennium hand and shrimp!"

