I'm selling all the substrate, hardscape, and plants in my tank. Also included is about 50 or more guppies and some rcs.
What is included:
2 bags of ADA Aquasoil (Less then a month use)
1 bag of ADA Powersand (Less then a month use)
1 Large Driftwood
1 Small Driftwood
Bunch of plants that include amazon swords, java fern, tiger lotus, crypts, and many more.
Bunch of guppies
Red Cherry Shrimps
30 gal tank with fresh painted stand included now.
Tank includes :30 gallong long tank, new glass top, and fresh painted stand
This tank has been up for about a month and I decided its not for me anymore so I'm taking it down.
I will let all this go for $160
What is included:
2 bags of ADA Aquasoil (Less then a month use)
1 bag of ADA Powersand (Less then a month use)
1 Large Driftwood
1 Small Driftwood
Bunch of plants that include amazon swords, java fern, tiger lotus, crypts, and many more.
Bunch of guppies
Red Cherry Shrimps
30 gal tank with fresh painted stand included now.
Tank includes :30 gallong long tank, new glass top, and fresh painted stand
This tank has been up for about a month and I decided its not for me anymore so I'm taking it down.
I will let all this go for $160