1 Super red Empress Male @ 4"-5" $12.00 (dominant fish very nice)
1 Copas Azureus Male @ 4"-5" $8.00 (Very, Very Blue)
2 Venustus Females @ 4"-5" $5.00 ea. or both for $8.00
2 Yellow labs, 1 male, 1 female @ 3"-4" $6.00 for both. (Have bred several times.)
1 Rusty Cichlid (mbuna) Female @ 3" $4.00
1 blue Dolphin unsure of sex @ 4" $4.00
2 Yellow Blaze lithobates, 1male,1 female @ 3"-4" $8.00 for both (Awesome looking fish)
1 Electric Blue ahli (iceburg) @ 3" 5.00$
1 Unknown peacock (can't remember) light blue @ 4" 2.00
1 BN Pleco male @ 4"-5" $5.00
1 Common Pleco @ 6"-7" $4.00
1 Albino Taiwan reef (unsure of sex) $5.00
1 Steveni Taiwan reef (male) @ 3" $5.00
1 Syndontis petricola @ 3" $13.00
+ Maybe 1 or 2 more fish i can't think of right now.
***OR TAKE ALL FOR $60.00***MUST Pick up.
All fish are healthy and look great! Trying to get down to only one tank.
I Know "thread is useless w/o pics" BLAH, BLAH!!! I'll try and post some later, if i can. THIS IS ONE HELL OF A DEAL, SOMEONE BUY THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Will Also consider trading all for Ehiem 2217 or better*
1 Copas Azureus Male @ 4"-5" $8.00 (Very, Very Blue)
2 Venustus Females @ 4"-5" $5.00 ea. or both for $8.00
2 Yellow labs, 1 male, 1 female @ 3"-4" $6.00 for both. (Have bred several times.)
1 Rusty Cichlid (mbuna) Female @ 3" $4.00
1 blue Dolphin unsure of sex @ 4" $4.00
2 Yellow Blaze lithobates, 1male,1 female @ 3"-4" $8.00 for both (Awesome looking fish)
1 Electric Blue ahli (iceburg) @ 3" 5.00$
1 Unknown peacock (can't remember) light blue @ 4" 2.00
1 BN Pleco male @ 4"-5" $5.00
1 Common Pleco @ 6"-7" $4.00
1 Albino Taiwan reef (unsure of sex) $5.00
1 Steveni Taiwan reef (male) @ 3" $5.00
1 Syndontis petricola @ 3" $13.00
+ Maybe 1 or 2 more fish i can't think of right now.
***OR TAKE ALL FOR $60.00***MUST Pick up.
All fish are healthy and look great! Trying to get down to only one tank.
I Know "thread is useless w/o pics" BLAH, BLAH!!! I'll try and post some later, if i can. THIS IS ONE HELL OF A DEAL, SOMEONE BUY THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Will Also consider trading all for Ehiem 2217 or better*