Hi. I'm Eric. I'm new here so there is a link of my INTRO.
I have about 20 RED FINNED BORLEYI CICHLID Fry. As with a lot of fish they are going to change colors a ton once they grow a little. They range from half an inch to about an inch. Im really looking to trade a few for another kind. Want to get a little collection going. LMK what you have? HAPPY TRADIN' Thanx ya!!
Here go a few :
The growing stages somewhat :
I have about 20 RED FINNED BORLEYI CICHLID Fry. As with a lot of fish they are going to change colors a ton once they grow a little. They range from half an inch to about an inch. Im really looking to trade a few for another kind. Want to get a little collection going. LMK what you have? HAPPY TRADIN' Thanx ya!!
Here go a few :
The growing stages somewhat :