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WTB: Drawf Hair Grass

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  • WTB: Drawf Hair Grass

    Im looking for some Drawf Hair Grass but no one in town seems to have it, and if they do they have the wrong kind. I'm looking for Eleocharis parvula. E. Parvula is the shortest version of drawf hair grass.

    Does anyone have any they wanna sell or anywhere they can direct me to?

    Tried fish gallery, HAW, City Pets. No dice

  • #2
    What version does Fish Gallery have?
    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


    • #3
      they didn't have any.... from what one of the workers told me, next shipment comes in after this friday


      • #4
        Originally posted by soymilk View Post
        they didn't have any.... from what one of the workers told me, next shipment comes in after this friday
        Fish Gallery gets plants on Friday.

        Talk to Don and tell him what your looking for.


        • #5
          I bought some from there a few weeks ago but didn't realize that there could be a "shorter" version than what they might have sold me.
          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


          • #6
            I don't know the latin name, but I found what was called Australian Micro Sword Grass at Petco. It is tiny tiny. It has survived, but has the slowest growth rate of any plant I own.
            55g Planted- Malawi and Victorian Cichlids
            35g Cube- P. Saulosi, Petrochromis, Sunshine Peacocks
            20L Planted- RCS, Ghost Shrimp, Neon Tetras, Snails
            2.5g Planted- Snails, RCS


            • #7
              Parvula is shorter but not by much. Unless your tank is like REALLY small like 2.5g or less, it wont make much of a difference. Ive tried buying "parvula" a few times online and honestly could not tell the difference between parvula and acicularis length wise.
              ADA mini-m planted
              ADA mini-m riparium
              ADA 30-C nano reef
              ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
              ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
              Eheim 90cm SA biotope
              110g Peacocks

