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Fish Room

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  • Fish Room

    Well guys, the time has come. It has been decided that it's time for me to downsize, dramatically! I have over 1500 fish for sale at very reasonable prices! Once the fish are gone I will be selling off tanks at .75 a gallon, or in some cases whole setups, again at very reasonable prices. Along with all that there will be pumps, filters, lights, you name it. Be sure to come visit the club swap n sell and bring plenty of cash, you will need it! This swap will be the fish, the following swap will be for tanks and supplies.
    Swap info:
    The swap will take place on the 17th of Feb at noon, location 25415 Wildwood Ln Huffman Tx.
    For those of you who have seen my fish room, you know what I have to offer, for those who havent, I breed a large variety of African cichlids. Nearly all fish must go! There will be a very few which aren't for sale, these will be incorporated into my house tanks.
    Also, if for some reason you can't make the swap, pm me for a time to come see what I have.
    Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.

  • #2
    Re: Fish Room

    could you add a list of what you have to offer and suggested price so everyone can know how much $$$$ to bring?
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #3
      Re: Fish Room

      Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
      Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
      Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
      Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


      • #4
        Re: Fish Room

        Francois will be a keeper, hehe.  Basically ek everything will be negotiable, trust me, noone will have reason to complain over pricing. Debbie has asked that I get rid of as much as I can, and being the obedient husband that I am, I am going to comply.
        Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


        • #5
          Re: Fish Room

          8O  I can't believe it!

          What about the "trash fish?" You know I'm gonna put my name in for those...
          "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


          • #6
            Re: Fish Room

            hehehe, plenty of those to go around I assure you!
            Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


            • #7
              Re: Fish Room

              Scott, I'm gonna bring alot of cash for the Swap and taking out the two back seats in my van.  I got first dibbs on the Blower if you are gonna sell it later.

              What in the heck happened?  Is everything OK?  After reading your topic, my first thought was I hope nothing has gone terribly wrong and that everyone is ok.  

              You know if you need anything I can help you with, just ask.

              Are you still gonna to keep up with the club?  This is just too much of a shocker thinking of all the implications.......



              • #8
                Re: Fish Room

                Originally posted by rrocket2002";p="
                 This is just too much of a shocker thinking of all the implications.......
                My thoughts exactly! It's so sudden...
                "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                • #9
                  Re: Fish Room

                  ditto for me!! Wow... I would hate to score a couple 100g tanks, although, if my wife said down size, I would be in the same boat, being a good husband is more important than any fish or fish tank I own!!

                  I hate to see Scott get out, but my props to you brother, being a good husband far out weighs the fish, life is easier and better if the lady of the house is happy! It took me 10 years to figure that out. That or I was tired, 10 years of butt whoop-n gets old, if can't beat'em... join 'em....


                  • #10
                    Re: Fish Room

                    Actually, it's been a long time coming. As of now, things will remain the same, just with me in a more manageable configuration. The way things are, I am not spending enough time with the wife, all my free time is spent in the fish room. Plus my power bill is rapidly becoming a hazard to my health and welfare. (if i see 1 more 1200.00 power bill, you die!) you get the idea. There are just so many reasons why I need to get the fish room broken down to a more manageable size. I would really like to be able to leave the house for more than 1 day, something I havent been able to do now for quite some time. Not to mention, by downsizing I will be forced to pick and choose what I breed a bit more selectively. Rather than breeding 40 diff species, I will be forced to pick 1 or 2.
                    Anyway, you get the idea, it's time for me to step back a little bit.
                    Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


                    • #11
                      Re: Fish Room

                      Well, I'm glad it's not anything drastic. It'll be nice to be able to focus on other things!    Have you decided what you're keeping (as I'm sure it will be a shorter list than that of what you're selling)?
                      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                      • #12
                        Re: Fish Room

                        so far, the list is quite short actually. Anything already in the house will be kept, I am also keeping, for now anyway, my calvus and comps., some angels, and my demasoni. Other than that, I can't really think of anything I plan to keep.
                        Consider my posts as general information based on personal experiences, and in most cases, far oversimplified. Actual mileage may vary. Don't try this at home. If symptoms persist, contact your physician.


                        • #13
                          Re: Fish Room

                          ohh i couldnt ask for anything else better to do on my b-day!!!


                          • #14
                            Re: Fish Room

                            I here you on the electric bills. As well as fish, we have LOTS of reptiles that require 24 hour heaters and stuff.


                            • #15
                              Re: Fish Room

                              Anyone interested in some black calvus or goldhead compressiceps, that is going to the swap? Maybe a yellow blaze male(4.75") or a big male frontosa(9-9.75ish")? Or some demasoni babies? And I also have a wild Tang catfish, Synodontis Soloni “Marble Syno"  5". Orange fin compressiceps that are the jumbo size 4.5" and the 2nd is 4.75"
                              Also have a couple awesome Golden Hybrid Peacocks one has a female a one doesn't. One male is 6" and the other male is 4-4.5".

                              Yeah Scott, glad it isn't anything drastic, you dying over a power bill, save your own life, heck with the fish, they aren't suppose to be hazzard to your health. Well... except when you do a water change and siphon the water and find out that there is water still in the hose and choke. That is how my morning started...

