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Big Plant Package!!! Rotala Sp. Butterfly!! Some RARE PLANTS!!

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  • Big Plant Package!!! Rotala Sp. Butterfly!! Some RARE PLANTS!!

    Breaking down TANK!! A couple BIG plant packages for Sale! Super Good DEAL!!! NEED THIS GONE ASAP!!!! ALL SOLD

    $20 for all this:

    glossostimaga 3x3 patch
    Rotala sp "Vietnam" 3-4 (4"-5" stems)
    Rotala sp "Butterfly" 3-4 (4"-5" stems) (VERY RARE)
    rotala rotundifolia 8-10 (4"-5" stems)
    ranalisma rostrata 3-4 runners
    Pogostemon stellatus 3-4 (4"-5" stems) (RARE)
    trident 2-3' 1 rhizome (RARE)

    All plants are coming out of my planted tank which is pictured below! Rotala sp,. Butterfly is deep reddish purple color!

    Of course I'll be very generous as I am breaking down the tank and you will likely get more than the above portions!

    If you want all the plants! I will make you a very good deal!

    Located in the Heights near downtown and the galleria!

    Last edited by beaver24; 01-15-2010, 10:20 AM.

  • #2
    I want it, but I can't take all due to limited space. What area of city are you at?
    100 gal- java fern windelov,anubia petite,xmas moss, crypt,val, sword, riccia fluitans, Sagittaria subulata
    30 gal:e.tenellus,hygrophila wavy,acicularis vivapara,Limnophila aquatica,Hygrophila corymbosa,Hydrocotyle(praecox rainbow,Celestial PD


    • #3
      I'm located in the Heights near downtown /Galleria area.


      • #4
        pm sent
        100 gal- java fern windelov,anubia petite,xmas moss, crypt,val, sword, riccia fluitans, Sagittaria subulata
        30 gal:e.tenellus,hygrophila wavy,acicularis vivapara,Limnophila aquatica,Hygrophila corymbosa,Hydrocotyle(praecox rainbow,Celestial PD


        • #5
          bump!! Need gone asap!


          • #6
            why would you destroy something so beautiful? what amount of light are you using ? what size tank is that ? and are you injecting co2 ? just curious because im thinking about taking the it all.


            • #7
              Any butterfly left? I just need a few stems.
              ADA mini-m planted
              ADA mini-m riparium
              ADA 30-C nano reef
              ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
              ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
              Eheim 90cm SA biotope
              110g Peacocks


              • #8
                Originally posted by toomanyfish View Post
                why would you destroy something so beautiful? what amount of light are you using ? what size tank is that ? and are you injecting co2 ? just curious because im thinking about taking the it all.
                I'm moving out of Houston this is why I am breaking down the tank! Thanks for the compliment! The scape is not very good imho but thanks! Its appreciated! the tank specs are: 46 g bowfront, tek t5ho 4x54 watts, and pressurized co2 injection at about 1.5 bubbles per second.


                • #9
                  i think its absolutely amazing. i've had a few planted tanks but that one Is FINE.


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the great plants.
                    100 gal- java fern windelov,anubia petite,xmas moss, crypt,val, sword, riccia fluitans, Sagittaria subulata
                    30 gal:e.tenellus,hygrophila wavy,acicularis vivapara,Limnophila aquatica,Hygrophila corymbosa,Hydrocotyle(praecox rainbow,Celestial PD


                    • #11
                      are the plants still for sale? are you willing to sell the tank?


                      • #12
                        All plants are SOLD!! The tank setup is not for sale! Thanks!

