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Black wood?

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  • Black wood?

    Anyone know where I can get some Black wood? like driftwood but what ADA offers and what Amano uses in his layouts.

    I am setting up a small ADA Mini-M which is only 32cm long so the pieces would have to be kinda small, I'm thinking around 6-8".  If anyone has any they want to sell or trade it would greatly appreciated or if there are any leads on some.
    700g Mini-Monster tank

  • #2
    Re: Black wood?

    you should check out this website...they seem to have some cool stuff

    Manzanita Wedding Tree, Manzanita Wedding, Manzanita, Manzanita Branches, manzanitabranches, manzania, Manzanita Bases, Centerpiece Branches, Centerpiece Displays, Centerpiece Display Trees, Aquarium Wood, Tank Wood, Aqua Wood, Bird Perches, Perches, Playgyms, Play Gyms, Decorative Branches, Display Tree, wedding centerpiece, Display Trees, Decor Trees, Wedding Centerpiece, Wedding Trees, Centerpiece Displays, Centerpiece Display, Centerpiece Display Trees, Wedding Centerpiece Trees

    a guy used it on a show tank on a planted tank forum and it turned out really nice..


    • #3
      Re: Black wood?

      I got a link to them from another member of N.A.S.H. but I don't like the look of manznita compared to black wood.

      Plus it's going into a 32cm tank so finding a nice piece of manzinita is going to be harder than finding a nice piece of black wood.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        Re: Black wood?

        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #5
          Re: Black wood?

          African root wood? I bought some from Aqua Zoo about a month ago. It's really dark and heavy. They had some nice smaller pieces when I was there.
          Current Setup
          6 guppies, 1 dwarf platy, 2 pepperd corys, 1 emerald cory, 1 ghost shrimp

          4 bronze corys, 1 otocinclus, 2 mystery snails, lots of algae


          • #6
            Re: Black wood?

            Not african root wood. Blackwood is actually called Old Blackwood like what ADA sells
            700g Mini-Monster tank

