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Tropheus book from a tropheus lover. e-book in .pdf format

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  • Tropheus book from a tropheus lover. e-book in .pdf format

    Hello guys,

    First of all i would like to thank to those friends who helped me out so far and encouraged me to finish my `Tropheus book` project.

    Finally i have completed everything and my book is ready for sale.

    i began this journey after i got retired/unemployed (however you call it ) at the start of world economical crisis. I had time to write down a book or watch all episodes of stargate sg-1 once again 10 seasons ``Shal kek nem ron Jaffa!`` ``Kree!``
    In my native language there were no books about Tropheus, and whatever written in Turkish forums were shiet. Old data, no updates and people trying to breed tropheus in 7.0ish ph, feeding with almost shark food, and treating like malawi. Later my project became writing my book in English aswell. So far there are few books in English written by professionals and they are excellent sources. However they are like encylopedia and can be called a bit expensive in some areas.
    Finally i finished my book in English aswell, got the isbn and finished all legal stuff for protection, copy stuff, duplicate rights, e-book digital etc etc.

    Please don`t forget English is not my native language, so i might have some mistakes either on vocabulary or definitions.
    This is an amateur hobby book by a T lover. Whatever i wrote in my book is my own experiences since 1999 with Tropheus and whatever i read and learnt from books and forums so far. I am not a biologist not a vet and not a zoologist. Please don`t forget this while reading my book.

    How to buy it?

    You send me 15 u.s. dollars via paypal to : (my paypal account) File size: 4.0mb total 108 pages

    Then, you send me an e-mail to and i reply you with the copy of my book in .pdf format.

    (i live in istanbul gmt+2 so mind the time difference on transactions.)

    I have spent a small fortune to finish this project i hope i can be helpfull to everyone who reads it and i hope i can recover what i spent and i will be the happiest.

    Below you can see the names of my friends who helped me by permitting to use their lovely T. photos in my book directly from their own tanks.

    · Marc Pusic ( )
    · Debra Dickson
    · Shane Brasen
    · Chad Martin
    · Carl Eklind
    · Jamie Cole
    · Jamie Parr
    · Attila Varga
    · Radek Berent
    · Joey D. aka Aqualung
    · Robert aka Canart
    · David Tak Wai Leung
    · Thai-Anh Nguyen
    · Michael Newing
    · Norbert Knaak
    · Bülent Öner
    · Diogo Lopez
    David HEllyer

    Personal details:
    Metin Emre Gurbuz
    Istanbul sehileri cad. 26/8
    34180 Istanbul TURKEY
    +90532 235 6043

    Right now i do not have any international publisher for English version as hard copy, however i am looking for one and also i am looking for sponsorship aswell. I have 4 pages inside the book and back cover ready for ads for a possible importer/distributor sponsorship.

    Last edited by emre; 05-15-2010, 06:07 PM.

  • #2
    Sneak preview from my book.


    In such a period of which the world has been rocking through the economic financial crisis and people have lost their jobs, I also joined in with this caravan of the unemployed, and maybe by any chance, I had some time to write such a book.
    In human life there are such eras that when we feel ourselves most hopeless and most unfortunate, actually some new hopes and some new opportunities may be waiting for us.
    Whenever we despair, inspite of succumbing, we should give thanks to God for our current circumstances; we should use our knowlegde and our accumulations thoroughly, thereupon we shouldn’t abandon our hope.

    With my eternal thanks to my mother and my father who have encouraged me for my writing this book and have always been supporting me.


    Lake Tanganyika:
    Tropheus tank set-up:
    Preparation of water:
    Buying Tropheuses:
    Putting Tropheus in aquarium:
    Feeding Tropheus:
    Behaviors of Tropheus:
    Reproduction of Tropheus:
    Material and equipment:
    Water preparatives and additives:
    Questions being asked frequently and topics being wondered:


    This book, on which has been purified the essential data relating to purchase, care and feeding of Tropheus species from unnecessary information and diffusiveness as much as possible, has been prepared for helping you Tropheus lovers simply and understandably.

    Unfortunately Tropheus aren’t known well enough in the world yet or are thought as a species that is too difficult to care for and to feed by aquarium lovers.
    In the light of accurate data and experience, Tropheus may become some of the fish that are easiest to care for and to feed. This is directly proportional to your knowledge completely.
    Every time there is no need to be experienced. By using former experiences and obtaining information, the possibility of failure is rather low on the way to move forward.

    I hope, owing to this source book, you the aquarium hobbyists will believe that the care and feeding of this species isn’t dreadful as it is thought, just like me.

    In my opinion, the more this species becomes widespread among aquarium lovers and with the accompaniment of accurate data it is reproduced the better the interest for this species will increase and we Tropheus lovers will benefit from this situation.

    I want you know that the content of the book has been made ready with the articles which I’ve read about this species for many years and the experiences which I’ve gotten.
    It is necessary not to forget that all the living being’s life is blessed. This may be a man, an animal or even a plant; however caring for this properly is possible with being conscious. I think that performing the method of test-and-lapse on the living being’s life is extremely wrong and for this reason, I advise you to research to the utmost and to read amply. Thanks to that, without living some upsetting results, you are able to provide the ambiance which they deserve and they feel the necessity to these living beings in need of you, happily.

    The book has been separated into the specific headlines. In the end of this book, there are some questions being asked frequently.

    Directly proportionally to my experiences, I’ll try helping you about the equipments which you’d better use or you have to use absolutely.

    Other chapters are in the original copy if you buy.


    • #3

      Nice of you to drop by!

      I have a copy of this book. It's a good read and some nice pictures on it!

      I ate my fish that died.


      • #4
        I always wanted to do this myself. Glad to see a hobbyist is really making the effort to do so.

        Thanks man, and I wish you best of luck!!!
        380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
        300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
        180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
        150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


        • #5
          Thank you very much guys, i tried to do my best in my leisure time when i got unemployed. I hope i can be helpful to whom read it
          Writing was easy, hard stuff starts after that. Actually i finished my book in late 2009, then started working with editors, agencies and more editors with more agencies. Picked the wrong ones who preferred to work on some drama books instead and slack on my work and wasted a lot of time. Then legal stuff took a while aswell. i guess easiest was registering for isbn. Anyway i am glad i achieved another goal in my life which i planned years ago.



          • #6


            • #7


              • #8
                I got it already. Pretty good


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 76dragon View Post
                  I got it already. Pretty good
                  I am glad you like it


                  • #10
                    Perfect! I am starting up a troph tank in the coming weeks. This could be valuable information. Just sent you the money.


                    • #11
                      Thank you very much for your interest kevinly. I hope you like my book and find it useful.


                      • #12

