I have found that my Male Apisto decided to kill off his group of ladies so I have decided to turn the tank into a species only tank so up for sale is.....
14 or more Golden White clouds. there are lots of females in the group with some really spunky males and I think there has been eggs layed from time to time but was either eaten or siphon by me.
1 Male Gold Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple red
Asking $20 for the White clouds which is for 14 unless I find more within the foliage and those will be included at no extra charge(there was 19 in the tank to start)
$15 for the Male Cacatuoide.
Will trade for Micrantheum Umbrosum, Weeping Moss, Anubias Nana Petite, Eleocharis Vivapara, Dipilis Diandra, or Celestial danios.
14 or more Golden White clouds. there are lots of females in the group with some really spunky males and I think there has been eggs layed from time to time but was either eaten or siphon by me.
1 Male Gold Apistogramma cacatuoides Triple red
Asking $20 for the White clouds which is for 14 unless I find more within the foliage and those will be included at no extra charge(there was 19 in the tank to start)
$15 for the Male Cacatuoide.
Will trade for Micrantheum Umbrosum, Weeping Moss, Anubias Nana Petite, Eleocharis Vivapara, Dipilis Diandra, or Celestial danios.