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Fish for sale

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  • Fish for sale

    Since we are getting rid of our tank we obviously need to get rid of our fish as well. We have several Cichlids along with other freshwater fish. They are available for pickup only in League City. We will work out a price for each fish depending on type and size.

    Yellow Labs-several available in various sizes. Since they breed like bunnies we have about 12 generations!

    3 Parrot Fish-one is about the size of the palm of your hand the other two I would consider medium size.

    Frontosa-approximately 7 to 8 inches long (has a very pronounced bump on his head) This is a great looking fish

    Gold severum- about 4 inches from top fin to bottom fin and approx 6 inches long

    Scat-a beautiful fish about 5 or 6 inches long

    2 Mono's -pretty large as well

    Several different peacocks in various colors

    2 Pleco's


    Please email if you have any questions!

  • #2
    Re: Fish for sale

    You should post the price you want for each fish....
    I ate my fish that died.


    • #3
      Re: Fish for sale

      how much are the pleco's?

      I need a few for my new tank. (:

      Let me know.
      Kind Regards.  
      Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
      Alexa Rae
      Co-President of CAK


      • #4
        Re: Fish for sale

        What kind of Catfish & Plecos do you have?  How much are they?


        • #5
          Re: Fish for sale

          I would like to get your price on the labs and the Gold Severum and maybe one of the parrots. Thanks


          • #6
            Re: Fish for sale

            I would like prices on some of the Labs and the Peacocks.  I'm in League City too and can pick up whenever.


            • #7
              Re: Fish for sale

              Please post prices for your fish.  The Moderator will ask you to do so anyways.

              Can you list out what peacocks you have?



              • #8
                Re: Fish for sale

                First off I will say that I am not very good at knowing what specific type a fish is within a species so I will do my best to describe. As my listing says most of our fish are pretty large so when I say sm, med, and lg-small is a relative term. You are welcome to come by and take a look at them if you would like. Our fish store wants to buy them, but I would like to make sure they go to a good home with "fish" people. Below I have made reference to "retail" prices, but that is hopefully to help you gage the size if you shop at fish stores much based on what we paid. We realize we are not a retail store and do not expect to get what we paid out of them.

                Parrot's-Lg $35, Med $30, Sm $20 We paid $70 for the big one retail if that helps give you an idea of size.

                Plecos's- Lg$25, Med $20 Not sure what type these guys are, but they are the really pretty ones with spots and the big fan type fin. We paid $60 for the big one and $40 for the med one

                Catfish-$25. I have no idea what type it is. I have never seen another one like it. It is a beautiful fish. It has a very smooth looking skin that looks almost pearlescent or metallic. The bottom half in the belly area is all white and the upper half of it's body is sort of spotted. It has very long whiskers.

                Gold Severum $25

                Lab's Lg $20, Med $12, Sm $4  We paid $60 retail for the big ones if that helps you judge size

                Peacocks-$30 I have no idea what type they are. I think one was called an electric blue something (I could be wrong on the name), but it is a dark, very bright blue color with a white stripe on it's fin. The other has a blue face with a pink, yellow and blue body.

                Frontosa-$45 This is a big fella. Our fish store has one about half his size for $70. They said they would ask about $100 for him retail if that helps.

                We have other fish as well if you would like to come check them out-i.e. mono's, scat and a few that I do not know the name of.


                • #9
                  Re: Fish for sale

                  I sent you a PM on the medium pleco. (:

                  Let me know.

                  Kind Regards.
                  Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
                  Alexa Rae
                  Co-President of CAK


                  • #10
                    Re: Fish for sale

                    For everyone considering any of these fish.  I got a few Labs from them today.......WOW is all I have to say.  They have a Yellow Lab factory on their hands....LOL.  When they say these fish are decent size, they are grossly underestimating "decent size".  I went looking at the two Peacocks that they have and I don't have the tank space for their size.  I would estimate 6-7" each, looks like and Electric Blue Ahli and something else I couldn't identify.  The Frontosa is a steal, once again...I didn't have the space because he is roughly 7-8".  Someone needs to help these folks out and pick up a few fish from them.

                    Thanks again for the Labs.


                    • #11
                      Re: Fish for sale

                      If the Frontosa is still for sell I'll take him off your hands.


                      • #12
                        Re: Fish for sale

                        Sent you a PM. Thanks


                        • #13
                          Re: Fish for sale

                          do yo have a pic of the catfish? and how big is it?
                          L083 (Gibby)
                          L104 (Clown)
                          L147 (Peckoltia sp.)
                          L155 (A. Hystrix)
                          L310 (Red Fin Bruno)
                          LDA72 (BN)
                          LDA76 (False Zebra)
                          Rineloricaria parva (whiptail)
                          Rineloricaria lancelota


                          • #14
                            Re: Fish for sale

                            Sounds like your catfish might be a Pictus - I'd like to know how long it is as well.


                            • #15
                              Re: Fish for sale

                              Let me know when I can come and get the medium pleco. (:

                              See you soon.
                              Help support (C)atfish (A)nd (K)ool Pleco's; Houston's premier fish club
                              Alexa Rae
                              Co-President of CAK
                              MAY THE GOD OF YOUR CHOICE BLESS YOU.

