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FS: Tank Stands and other stuff. (All Sold. Thanks!)

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  • FS: Tank Stands and other stuff. (All Sold. Thanks!)

    Need to clear the garage so the car can actually go inside it... Plus i need the money to buy a turkey this thanksgiving. Thanksgiving rotisserie chicken just doesn't cut it at my house anymore.
    Prices as listed OBO.
    PM or email: marc(at)

    1) Black 75 gal tank stand. $25 ( SOLD PENDING PICKUP)

    2) 20/29 gal stand #1. $10 ( SOLD PENDING PICKUP)
    Missing handles, but you can get a set for like 4 bucks at home depot.

    3) 20/29 gal stand #2. $15 ( SOLD PENDING PICKUP)
    Complete & super sweet! Just need a little dusting off an a little bit of pledge and it will be worthy of a nice living room.

    4) Partially finished 40 gal breeder tank stand. $5 ( PENDING)
    I started this DIY stand and got only as far as getting the main structure built. It will hold a 40 gal breeder as it is, but if like to DIY and would like to finish it, the possibilities are endless!

    5) 75 gal tank. $5 ( PENDING)
    Back & sides are painted white, but paint can be easily peeled off and repainted. I removed the top trim but you can simply silicone it back together.

    6) While i am at it, how about a Craftman Electric Lawn Dethatcher. $10
    Used once last year and then i hired a lawn guy and now he does it for me so it is never used. It's this exact model
    Last edited by nacra99; 11-14-2010, 10:17 PM.

  • #2
    interest in some off the stand pm me urs contact number please thank


    • #3
      I'll take the 75g call me 281-723-9827
      FRENCH FRY!!!

      55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


      • #4
        Originally posted by TaTeR ToT View Post
        I'll take the 75g call me 281-723-9827
        hey sorry Tatertot, somebody just beat you to it.
        Pending pickup but if it falls through, you're next in line.

        Psych!... the other guy wanted the 75 stand, not the tank... you got the tank!
        Last edited by nacra99; 11-14-2010, 09:57 PM. Reason: Update

